SALMONIDS DEFENSE: Despite regular news about salmon escapes, sea lice, toxins, the Norwegian farmed salmon good reputation in the Norwegian and international market, according seafood Council. The value of salmon exports and domestic sales in Norway are increasing. Photo: Terje Marøy
- Yes, you should see us stressed, you need to see us during the annual exercises, says communications Lars Fredrik Martinussen.
Well prepared
They practice annually on crisis management, with scenarios such as oil spills or radioactive emissions that could potentially threaten the Norwegian seafood's reputation.
- We see the value of being well prepared. This is probably something I have with me from my military background, having good, realistic exercises. That means that when something happens, you can not react with paralysis or panic, says Chramer, who has worked as Chief of the Army.
At the 0930 meeting this Monday was the description of the situation. What were the allegations and facts in VG's coverage of the dangerous farmed salmon? Responsibilities were divided: Responsibility for monitoring the media debate, keep in touch with the media. Keeping contact with the authorities and agencies that have expertise in food research and food safety, as Food Safety Authority and the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES). Contact the seafood industry. Contact the organization, particularly with Seafood Council's 12 field offices.
All responsibility for monitoring and engagement on social media.
- We run many websites, plus many channels of social media, both in Norway and abroad. We have 81 000 followers on our Facebook Page Norwegian, for example. We selected during the morning to go out with a fairly aggressive strategy to communicate via social media.
Long days
The debate about farmed salmon has affected their everyday work throughout the past week. Long days from 0800 am until 0100-0200 at night for some. Several media have brought new issues to the table on salmon and food security. New voices have come in and nuanced picture of the dangerous salmon.
Norwegian debate and what happens on the Norwegian market is important, even for a typical export-oriented seafood industry. Very important. Communications Director Christian Chramer explains why:
Bad news spreads quickly
- Norway is a large market with high consumption of seafood. It is the home base for the formation of opinion. Bad news in Norway is spreading quickly to other markets, and often with new questions and approaches.
- When should one time been at the forefront. Have translated facts from such FSA, to English, Spanish, French or German.
Communications Director Christian Chramer says that different markets, different countries may have their particular issues related to food security.
- Some countries have had other food-related issues over the years. In Italy scandals around mozzarella cheese, the China scandals surrounding additives in milk replacer, horse meat scandal in Europe. We must be prepared.
- Have the salmon case attracted attention abroad so far?
- No. It has been mentioned by TT, which is Sweden's answer to the NTB, and in Svenska Dagbladet. But beyond that, very little.
Refines advice
Chramer think salmon debate is starting to slow. Still, the Norwegian health authorities that salmon is healthy and that we should eat more of it. Directorate of Health has announced a clarification of dietary advice when it comes to fatty fish, like salmon, to young women and pregnant women. The Council is a maximum of two fatty fish meals a week to those groups.
- Crisis management has been successful?
- It must be second rate. The final verdict comes from consumers, in terms of trust and willingness to buy salmon.
The salmon is popular
- Nourishes can any fear of the salmon hits a snag in the Norwegian market as a result of this?
- No, I do not. The warning from the authorities is still very clear: we should eat more fish. At the same time the salmon very strong in Norway. It is very popular in all groups, from young families to senior centers. The reports we have received from the retail sector indicate that it is quiet.
- But you can not avoid that there are some contaminants in farmed salmon?
- I do not agree that there is a lot of contaminants in salmon. Salmon is a healthy product. It is also a fact that we humans over the past century has been able to produce toxins that come to us through many different foods, including seafood. But the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research, nifes, said in a message this week that contaminants have decreased in salmon. Not up, one could get the impression by media stories over the past week.
The storm subsides
Today, a week after the alarm went off the Norwegian Seafood Council, the communications director Christian Chramer assured that the storm is about to subside.
- Salmon has become part of everyday habits of most Norwegians. Allegations from a doctor or chef cooking for those who can afford to pay 2500 dollars for a meal, does not change the national character. Or by products that have entered the everyday diet.
Believe Chramer, which has lowered guarden anything. For right now he guides reporters from Singapore on the press trip in farming Norway. The Norwegian media debate about pollutants in salmon is probably not on the day's schedule.