I gave him that location because its a pretty productive beach, there is a lot of shoreline there to allow you to get away from others, especially if you choose to cross through the extremely slippery creek and fish the other side of it which not a lot of people do. Trust me I wasn't leading you to somewhere I don't fish, I fish there but haven't yet this year unfortunately. I also fish it from high tide down because I know how to meander my way along a narrow shallow area that gets me way out near the drop off but only knee deep. If I take more then 3 steps backwards im over me head !!
Fic - just follow the parade of cars into the Squamish valley, you will find the areas pretty easily
I don't fish in any secret spots for pinks, there are plenty of them and I catch my share for sure. I also enjoy seeing others having fun around me, meeting new people and even helping out the newbies get into their first salmon when I notice them struggling. Got a nice young woman into her first salmon ever last cycle, first I had to help her with casting, then showing/explaining where the fish were and how to present the fly. Took maybe an hour until she got the hang of it, was actually the best part of my day watching her excitement when she first hooked up and then landed the first one.
HOOK - isn't crowd shy when it comes to salmon fishing