I noticed some people asking about lures colors etc so I just thought I would add an observation I had fishing on the Squamish this Thursday. The first thing I noticed was the visibility was barely six inches so I assumed I had to use a nice flashy vibrating pink Colorado blade to get any luck.
For a while it was clear I had made a really good call because I was getting into all the fish while the fly fishermen around me were getting zip. I would just let the blades drift below me and hold them in the current and bang! What a blast. After about an hour of this it stopped completely and I was getting zip but I noticed the fly guys getting into fish all of a sudden. Figuring I could imitate them I switched to a little purple jig under a float and, contrary to my theory, they were hammering the jigs.
It blows me away how they can possibly see these in such poor visibility and it completely blows away my theory that I was going to do best with spinners. (I chose jigs with lots of purple in them figuring they would see that better than pink with such poor visibility) Every time I go out fishing I realize how much I have to learn..there is always something new and even these very aggressive pinks can be fickle turning on and off to different presentations throughout the day.