I don't mean local fishing. By fishing we don't mean Canadian fishing. Trap fishing may be done for eel in the Newfoundland. People use tidal currents to herd fish into traps or using bait to attract them. Spear fishing is done all over the ocean. Net fishing including scooping up fish is done all over. There are smelt fishermen using scoop nets along the sea walk of Stanley Park. Some fish are caught a certain way, others fish by another way. For goodness sake, them Yankees shoot the jumping carp with bows and arrows. That is a ridiculous way for us but the Yankees have no issue with that. So if DFO allows flossing to be done on the Fraser during openings, why all the hate? If a fisherman for the lack of skill to target springs and continuously hook sockeye, he should stop or change his approach. Just because you can't avoid sockeye because of your poor technique or because you are targeting spring in the wrong river configuration, you cannot say others are lacking the skills to avoid sockeye. There are certain bars with heavy deep water lane which only spring, even only large spring will travel. But I agree, if sockeye is in trouble, we should all stop. Not all BBers are good enough to avoid sockeye, that is the bottom line. But BFers should also stop, because they do hook sockeyes and after dragging the 1 lb lead slab for the fight and getting exhausted, that sockeye is as well dead, very different from a bb caught sockeye. So don't hide behind excuses. We stop bb, you stop bf. Good for the fish. We should all stop. FN should stop. There are the pinks coming in load. Why hurt the sockeye which are in danger?