I have a vacuum sealer with a jar attachment. I think for my next batch I'm not going to store it in borax, I found that it dried it out too much.
I also follow Pautzke's instructions and cure in fridge for 3 days, so that may have something to do with it being over dry. They fish great the first day out of freezer but any longer than that and the eggs get too dry for my liking. I think I prefer goopy eggs.
I thought re-freezing was a no no, maybe spawn is right and unused roe in borax in the fridge was causing it to dry out. I'll try re-freezing unused roe.
The best results I got was when I cut pieces into loonie/twoonie size, shake and bake in borax, put in jars and vacuum sealed without additional borax. I also bought a small chest freezer and it is way colder than my fridge freezer, so anything stored for a long time will go in the chest freezer. But if I knew I was going to use eggs within 2 weeks, i would just leave them in fridge. Did that last year and it worked out great.