SSypark, on the first page of this thread you said you bought the Allen Kraken reel. Could you please tell me what type of rod you're fishing it on?
I've been looking around at Spey reels, most places seem to stock most of the same stuff. Was at Michael and Yound the other day and almost bought the Lamson CLA(6) ($285) but I just didn't like the way it looked and the sound it made when the drag was being stripped out or reeling in. A bit lame I know but for $300 I figure I better at least like the damn thing! Also considered the G-Loomis Eastfork 9/10, a great looking reel, but just felt a little cheap and the manager didn't reccomend it as it's no longer made (if breaks under warranty can't be replaced). I liked the Lamson Guru 4.0 but was too light for my rod.
The only reel I've found locally I like in my price range is the Reddington Delta at $259 (Fred's). It's also very sharp looking and balances the rod nicely (9oz). I've been reading reviews on the Allen Kraken 4.0 and they're all very good. But noone carries this reel! Can you only order it from the manufacturer in the US? At $229 it seems like a real steal. I don't really like the idea of ordering a reel online I've never tinkered with, but I suppouse it I don't like it I could mail it back and eat the shipping costs.
On paper it looks good: 4.45 diametre, 1.58 width, 8.11oz (a tad light but probably ok) and the price is fantastic. For $40 less than the Delta it still has me humming and hawing about buying one...
Any thoughts SSypark???