Just a guess Milo; but when you openly admit wanting to engage in criminal assault (because someone waded too close to you on a public river no less) then maybe you crossed a line? Seriously man, I've met you on the river. Why would you even consider snagging someone in the skin with hook? (shaking my head).
You misunderstood me, Dennis.
What I was trying to convey is how important it is to respect a person's casting space, regardless of their method of angling.
It is well-known that fly fishermen and gear fishermen have different casting space requirements. Where a rod length on each side is usually enough for a gear guy to fish comfortably next to another person, a fly angler needs an additional couple of feet to do a roll cast before whipping the line out in a safe and effective manner.
If a person (usually another angler) violates that space, he or she risks being snagged, as it is not possible to reduce that safe casting zone, especially if there is even the slightest bit of wind.
What I do in such scenarios is explain to the person violating the safe casting area what they are doing, and the risks they are taking by fishing so close to me. Nine people out of ten get it, and they move out of there if there is no room for them, or they move a few feet further away if there is room. Simple enough.
But there is always the obtuse few who only get it when my fly zips inches from their ears or necks or ends in their waders or clothes. I have never assaulted anyone, Dennis, but I am known to be assertive and hold my ground against bullies.
For the record, I have sunk my fly in someone's skin (other than mine) only once. Luckily, I fish barbless.