We are 9 days away until the second annual Fish for the Future 2004. The final stage of planning is almost complete. Confirmed groups that will be joining us on June 19th to run workshops, displays include:
Pacific Salmon Foundation
Burns Bog Conservation Society
WaterWise Boat Safety Team
Seymour Salmonid Society
Richmond Fruit Tree Sharing Project
Activities include:
Family fishing
Fly tying workshop
Fish colouring booth
Draw prizes ($1 per ticket, $3 for five tickets!)
Fish ID task
Salmon dissection
Boating safety talk
Flycasting seminar
Insect aquarium observatory
Salmon fry aquarium
License for anglers 16 or under can be obtained at the event between 10:30am and 1:00pm. Fishing rods are available for kids who don't have one at the event. Limited amount of bait is available also. Each kid will receive freebies (eg. lures, hats, T-shirts, etc).
You can download a post of the event from:
http://www.fishingwithrod.com/fftf/Poster1.docTeachers, if you can print this out and stick it to your school's bulletin boards, that would be awesome!
If you are in Richmond and can help me distributing flyers next week, please email me at
info@fishingwithrod.comI also need a sandwich maker for the volunteers.
Many thanks to Berry's Bait and Tackle, Nikka Industries, Delta Tackle, Redl Sport, Office Depot, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Family Fishing Weekend Society for providing me lots of goodies.