Thank you for helping to explain it better for me, tburn. That is basically what I mean. And Spawn Sack, that is correct about the drifting the float downstream of you. So when you find a fishy lie in fast water, instead of standing right across from it, you move upstream, say 10 to 20 ft above the spot, then you cast downstream towards the spot, and as the float is drifting, you hold it a bit to slow down the drift which will cause the float to point back at you and the leader and float will be at a slanting angle instead of straight up. By controlling the release of the line on your spool, your presentation will slow down and may arch across the current slowly. You can do this repeatedly to make sure your presentation has covered the whole target area of your drift so that any steelhead holding in these fast water spots can have a chance to bite your slowed down bait or lure.