That does not mean that we humans cannot and have not had profound impact on global biodiversity as we have been responsible for the extinction of numerous species. It also doesn't absolve us of our responsibility to be mindful of the impact we are having and to evaluate and mitigate the negative consequences of that impact for the sake of our descendants.
Sandman, you are absolutely correct. We should be mindful of our impact, certainly. I guess my point was, if there was one, that while we should be mindful of our impact, there are many hastily made conclusions made every day. While we are somewhat free to say as we wish, we do need to be responsible for what we say.
Yes, we have many impacts on the world, quite a few unique to our species. Yes, we need to change how things are done. And, for you younger folk, things are changing, quite often, for the better. No waterways in North America have caught fire for decades. But we need to do more- sometimes with more technology, sometimes with less.
My point in a smaller nutshell: statistics can be made to say anything one wants, if they're tortured enough.
Works for every side.