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Author Topic: Best BB setup  (Read 3817 times)


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Best BB setup
« on: June 25, 2004, 12:23:18 PM »

Copied from my Braided/No Stretch Lines etc. post:

Here is my BB setup perfected over 5 years of fishing.

1. Attach 4' - 5' of heavy braid (80-100LB) to your main line with blood knot and leave 1mm of each line after very tight pull. Carefully melt the ends with the lighter and quickly round with your fingers. This will create a good bind. A drop of crazy glue will secure the know as well. Tie the heavy braid to one end of the #3 3-way equal split swivel with palomar knot.

2. Attach a 6" steel looped leader to the other end of the swivel (you can buy them in 100 pack) and then tie mono leader to the steel loop.

3. Attach your betty to the third end of the swivel.

The purpose of the heavy braid is to protect your main line when your weight goes behind the rock and it pools like crazy. This way you have more chances to retrieve you setup. It's also more resistant to betty hits. The steel leader on the other end will protect your leader from the betty as well.

The more people use this setup, the less setups will be lost and the less fish as well. Which will create a more enjoyable fishing experience for all of us. :)

One more advice to beginners. Do not pull the snag with your reel or rod (you will brake them easily). Have a friend to help you and wrap the line around the stick and loose the line from the reel while pulling it by the stick. For this purpose I carry a piece of plastic pipe with few layers of duct tape in my vest.  :)

Can anyone else share their secrets?

« Last Edit: June 25, 2004, 02:13:30 PM by pinkwool »

Fishin Freak

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Re:Best BB setup
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2004, 12:34:54 PM »

Couldn't agree more about using a stick to pull your snag out especially if it's fireline or something thin and strong like that. I've had my line very eaten up before by just pulling on it without a stick and having it dig wwwaayyyy down into the spool.