Just got back from a 2 day trip and will file a small report but first today's fishing on the Fraser River.
Was out for a drive this morning to see if the Fraser has dropped and cleared enought to get out bar fishing in a couple of days as river levels in South Fort George are now dropping. This should be the end of the freshet which was a lot longer than most people had predicted. I was happy as it allowed me to get 5 springs float fishing bugs and 1 other bar fishing between the 2 jumps in the river levels.
Visibility to me today was too dirty in the Bowmans area anyway for a fish to see a #0 Doctor but hopefully in a day or two will be able to get Leaf Craft #1 out to tie up Leaf Craft 2. LC #2 has 5 notchs on her oars to the formers 1.

Anyway while checking the water this morning a couple of fellows were at the launch so talked about the sportsfishing, illegall fishing and our Adopt A River progrm with Chilliwack/Vedder River Cleanup Coalition.
After about 5 minutes of conversation they informed me they were coming in from fishing already and it was only 9 o'clock and I thought they were just going out.

Anyway they had 2 lovely springs both in the 20 pound range glistening in their cooler. They said in the 3 hours they were out they saw 9 other boats with fish on also.

The river must be full of them.

They were all taken the other way. O how I wished the river was cleaner so I fish and could hook on to one of those beautys as my mouth drooled hearing about the fish in the system today.
But I know it will be clearing in a day or two for bar fishing and there is a lovely chinook just starting to work his way up now from the Fraser River Estuary just waiting to taste the good doctor spinning glow. I can hear the line quickly spooling off the Diawa 275B.
Forgot could not go out anyway as all my bar rods are with CEJ on his trip to the Northern part of the Island on his ocean trip. They should be well warmed up as sure he had some good fishing there. CEJ is back tonight so time to catch up on things after 2 days away.
Got a late get away as after church on Sunday. I was doing a cleanup tour of the Vedder when while turning into a side road a branch that had fallen during the recent wind storm somehow flipped up and broke my headlight, damaged the grill and put a hole in my battery.

Having bad luck lately with the expensive new axel for Leaf Craft #1.
O well money is to be spent I guess.
Anway one of my sons fixed the damage while I packed for the overnight trip and arrived at the fishing site with 3 hours of fishing time left. As I mentioned earlier in this post the river is full of fish as there was lots
rolling although some were most likely the Early Stuarts now in the river.
I got a few takes but most likey were coarse fish that seemed to be enjoying the fresh White Rock bugs more than the surfacing springs.
Two friends were fortunate to land one each while I enjoyed the sunset and the tranquile setting.
As the boys left I stayed on the water until the almost full moon rose in the horizon and got some video of it as it splashed its soft rays against the sides of Leaf Craft #2 and the Cascade Mountain Range.
As the birds songs became silent for the night as they headed for the safety of their chosen resting place for the now short hours of darkness. I too needed my rest and started the small electric sitting quietly on the back of LC #2. Its quiet purr could hardly be heard as it propelled me to the Leaf Mobile, the small wake it created also reflected the now brighter moon's gentle rays.
As I quickly anchored LC# 2 for the night I headed for my sleeping quarters, the seat of my truck.

My pace quickened as the thought of meeting a black bear on the path out for an evening meal of Saskatoon berries entered my mind but a couple of shouts made sure he knew I was coming, if one happened to be around.

I had a quick supper and then did some paper work by the light of my flashlight as dome light was not working. Just had put in a new one.

Can never seem to get away from paper work. However it made me drowsy and sleep came surprisely easy in the reclining seat.
Before I new it, it was 4 o'clock time to get ready for another adventure.
Armed with the fresh bugs I was on the water by 4:30 and the fish were still
It was not long until Ian's home made float waved goodbye to me as the take of the 7 pound spring munching on his last breakfast signalled the strike. The usually filming of the battle to relive years down the road when age will catch up with me, making getting to this isolated spot difficult. As well it is fun in itself balancing the camera on one shoulder and the reel in the other hand.
With the salmon now safely in the cooler it gave time to film some wildlife, a nap, go for a walk and soak up nature. Life could not be better.
Gary gets to the water around 11:30 and when I left he was not able to temp one of the rising fish to bite, not up to when I left at 3 anyway.
Loading up was tough in the mid day heat but must make sure I am back in Chilliwack in time to vote. Have time to pick a pound or so of Saskatoon berries for a lady from our church. No sign of any bears.

With the vote cast and time to watch the resuts that did not please me from a fishing out look as they have come up short in a lot of issues as far as a lot of us are concerned with the SDA.
It will now mean some drastic action may have be taken unless FOC does not start to enforce the regulations. More on that later.
Now time to catch up on chores and get ready for the next fishing adventure which is not that far away.

O, I know you want to know where they were getting the Springs today. Like a good book or movie keep the best part or solving the plot until the end.
Two words:
glow]Go get them but I will have to wait.[/glow]