Agreed, use mainly cleardrift, fishon and drennans with zero issues.
On a side note, while walking out from fishing a northside flow one day, I had some "I think im a pro" hothead decide he wanted to lash out at me for using braid in gin clear water stating all it was doing was spooking the fish.....,,,,,after trying to politely (albeit annoyingly) show/explain to him that I use a short fluoro leader below my float as well as a longer one if casting spoons/spinners he just started freaking out and going off about braid period, and that I wouldn't catch anything that way, yada yada yada, lol.....I told him that I don't seem to have any issues catching with this method, opened my bag to show my limit and simply walked away. He was still cussing at me about using it as I walked away down the trail, lol.