Pacific Angler Friday Fishing Report - January 16, 2015
We are just past the midpoint of the month and all and all 2015 is off to a great start. It is still early for steelhead but I think everyone can say that the reports are all very encouraging and if things continue at this rate we are in for a very good season.
We can say the same thing for the winter chinook season in the Vancouver harbour. For those who got through the fog, fishing has been very good over the last week and based on past years things should only get better as the season progresses.
One challenge that fisherman have faced this season has been the weather and it looks as though another winter storm system will be moving in. Thursday was wet and the rivers rose. We will see more rain this weekend and some wind in the harbour from the south east. This can make things a little interesting. The good news is it will be warmer than normal and if you can change tactics for the conditions it should be a good weekend to get out on the water.
The team at the shop has been out fishing this week. Jason has had some great days on the ocean for winter springs, Dimitri and Sam have been hooking steelhead on the Vedder and Matt is out to the Squamish this weekend, indicator fishing for bull trout. Check out the detailed reports below and if you are thinking about a saltwater charter or guided trip on the rivers give us a call. Our guides are chomping at the bit to get out guiding because the fishing has been so consistent.
Ready to learn spey casting? Check out our courses in the link below!
Read the full report here