I use non-slip loop knots on my jigs and flies and have never had an issues with knots busting. In fact, with flouro I find thta the NSLK is stronger than an improved clinch which is my go-to mono knot.
U-tube this knot if you think you are not tying it correctly. There are a few good vids. I found one by Brian Chan back in the day that I liked as the camera was zoomed right in on the knot. I'm sure plenty of other good vids too.
This being said, I do not think the NSLK catches more fish. I like it, have confidence in it, and like to think it ups my odds. However I chronomid, spey, and jig fish with guys who only use im-clinch on all their jigs and flys and they catch just as many if not more fish than I do.
Perhaps on a balanced leech the NSLK is necessary as it will not wiggle as desired without such a knot.