My day started at 6am as toured the lower part of the Vedder so could give Lew a update on how the garbage looked for The Chilliwack/Vedder River Cleanup Coalition Summer cleanup today.
While checking out the situation around KWB saw a TOW er lose what looked like a spring. The river is now dropping so the people were able to wade out to the bar that is starting to show now.
Arrived at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve at 8:30 to get the coffee and refresments ready for the cleanup volunteers. Also brought a video along to show the mess they cleanup crews were going to be facing at the Boulder Hole. The Good Doctor, Dynamite Kid, Gumboots and Mrs Gumboots volunteered to tackle a big job there. Thanks guys and gal.
Included on the video some of the highlights of the trip with Rodney, Nina, and Zazia. What a great trip it was and to relive it again through the video is entertaining to say the least.
It was great to see the above mentioned forum members and a number of the younger guys that included Rosco P COHOtrane, d_w, Alex 015 (also his dad and I believe his brother), THe trOutSLayer, Steeler 2000, Rodney, Nina, Zazia, Lew, Ben and Don.If I missed any please add below and what you thought how the cleanup went and is their is anything you could suggest could make it better.
Lew reported 80 people attended which was a good turnout but we could have used more as we did not get to some sections.
Once again thanks to all that came out and gave up part of their Saturday to fill 3 dumpster and more. We also got a record number of tins and bottles that Lew and I will take in today, I would guess close to $50 that will pay for the refreshments. ;DWe also have to go to some of the areas to pick up some bags in Lew's that the the volunteers could not bring back.
I believe Lew will post some pictures of the day's events later.
After the cleanup at 1:30 joined Rodney, Lew and the girls for lunch and then picked up the Leaft Craft from home for an afternoon fishing trip to MLB with George and 2 of his children Jessie and Stefanie. George and some of his family had also attended the cleanup on behalf of the Fraser Valley Salmon Society that have a section on the lower Vedder.
Was suppose to be at Island 22 at 3 but I kept the invited guests waiting 20 minutes as spent to long a lunch.

How the time flies when you are having fun.
Saw a TOW er bringing in a good sized spring to the boat launch from his boat as we all put on our life jackets for the 7 minute run to MLB.
On our arrival we discovered an anchored boat in front of the "Hot Spot". I went above them and George settled in with a rod for himself and one for the children to share if the occasion occured. Was feeling a bit of pressure to find a fish once again. Last 3 trips 7 fish hooked and 4 landed ,so the Leaf emblem keeps putting the chinooks
rolling into our cooler.

After about 3 hours into the trip the rain clouds threaten along with a wind from the West to try to dampen the 4 unprepared fishers.
We are able to get the tarp in near record time up before the brief showers hit the area.
We remain dry and emerge after the short rain storm from our chairs under the tarp tarp that has kept me and a lot of others dry over the last several fishing seasons. Good tip to keep on your boat at all times very simple to put up, Maybe George will describe the process and items needed to put it up. I have even slept under it when too lazy to put up a tent.

I earlier had gone for a short walk and found a 20 ounce weight laying along the waters edge.

Treasure hunting another activity for the bar fishers.
George's children are enjoying the trip and wander about the bar for some time looking for who knows what, just enjoying nature at its finest I presume. Every so often they would come back to us bubbling with excitement with some new found treasure.
We munch on our supper as we wait for that magic moment that never came over the 5 hour trip as we left the bar at 9:15 with the streak finally broken. But hey it was a great time for us all and seeing the kids discovering bar fishing most likely for the first time that was enought of a reward for me. It was not our fault we did not get a fish as it was the springs fault for not wanting to taste the #0 good Doctor. Things will change over the coming week i am sure as hopefull 3 trips planned, one with the good Doctor, have to collect on the breakfast he owes me for that first spring of the season but it is after a dentist appointment so he may get off lightly.

As I did not provide a fish for the guests I had to buy the treats at McDonalds for the 4 of us on the way home, the end of a very enjoyable trip that concluded my 15 hours on or working for our rivers.
When you get an opportunity like I did today take a child fishing, our future in preserving this great sport will depend on their stewardship in the not too distant future.
Hope you enjoyed the trip George, Jessie and Stefanie, I certainly did.