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Author Topic: vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!  (Read 13221 times)


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vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« on: July 12, 2004, 10:09:21 PM »

First for those whom don't want to read the whole report, a quick synopsis.

I saw 4 springs landed and bonked... the smallest about 10 pds the largest a little over 20 and very very chrome... it even still had sea lice on it!!

Also between 15 and 20 socks actually landed and of course released.

8-10 other suspected spring hookups... countless socks cartwheeled their way to freedom.

And on to the show...

I was enjoying this site last night when I realized the time was 4:30 something , groan. ::)

So I jumped into the  CasinoJim rover and roared off towards the Vedder. I enjoyed the morning , even though I was rather chagrined about getting up so early 3:30 only to spend my time engrossed with reading so many excellent reports!Damn you literary fishermen!

The sky was brightening with rose highlights, the sun was still smoldering behind the mountains.I rolled down the windows to take a breath of the sweet summer air. As I turned onto #3 from the highway the sun finaly tried to peek from behind the mountains.

I arrived to the hole at about 5:15 ish and quickly gathered my gear.  

As I hustled out towards the hole I quickly realized I was in trouble as I could see and seperate at least 5 different sets of boot prints. To further my discomfort I could see all traces of spider web, strung the night before had already been completely brushed aside... a sure sign the trail had already been well  travelled this morning. I get to the hole to find not 1 or 2 early birds but no less than 4!

On a bright note I see Harold, and his cane, well established at the head of the pool. I think "good for him" you see he is 72.

Harold looks up and exclaims " Jimmy! Nice to see you! What? You cupcakes the bed this morning!?" Why you so late? 20 minutes ago we were all alone". ( him and his fishing bud of 50 years. Frank) Harold and Frank , by the way out fished us all combined and it was Harold who hooked the 2 nicest Springs including the 20+ chromer mentioned at the head of this report. As I was the latecomer I settled into the bottem end of the pool and started the drift. Doing what I can while watching the others (who obviously wake up and leave the computer alone to go fishing in the am) hook up time and time again.

Frank and Harold bonked their fish and started to say thier good byes, but first Harold came down and asked me to come up to the top of the pool as he wanted to show me exactly what he was doing as he was concerned I hadent hooked up yet.

I am now 37 years old but I was raised in Terrace by fisher people and spent all of my youth and most of my teens fishing... I continued my fishing as I travelled the world on Cruiseships... I can say I know something of fishing. But  when a man nearly double my age is kind enoulgh to show concern and teach you a little... well I dont know about you ... but I listen sharp.

Harold kindly showed me how to fish " his" hole by setting the setup down just shy of the run off bank , into the deeper channel. Repeatedly he took my rod from me to show how important it is to keep the line just so tight. Further admonishments included angle of the rod and drift... where and how to stand and finaly to change brand of hooks! He then "gave " me his spot and wished me luck and left.

With no disrespect to Harold as soon as he was gone I  offered Harolds spot to the other characters whom beat me to the hole. They eagerly stepped in and I went back to my spot ... now about 1/2 way up the hole.
[enter stage left... "pal" #1]

I heard the splashing from a guy who apparently decided that noonish was a good enoulgh time to go fishing... I guess he figures that if all the good drift spots are taken by fools who get up in the wee hours... he can just splash his way to the sweet spot... stand above  it and fish it with 8 feet of line!

Unfortunatly my cast was in mid-air and by the time I realized his intentions my setup landed too close to him for my comfort... about 4-6 feet away from him. So I called out something like " hey bud I'm not sure thats a great place to stand" No anger no profanity used.

[enter from backstage immediatly behind me "pal"#2]

#2 growls "what a thing to say if that were me I'd come over and cuff ya one in the mouth"
I replied "hey man I just dont want to hit him with my weights or worse a hook ... its just not a good place to stand!" The old "pal" #2 mutters something like "its a great place to stand" and shambles off down the bar,several hundred feet away and proceeds to fish the narrow fast moving water... never to hookup once during the day.

I did get the odd hook up , mostly Socks and finaly I was my turn to take Harolds coveted spot ... about noon.
Almost immediatly I was into a Spring... quickly lost it due to a bad hookup. I fished Harolds spot exactly like he showed me and I was hooking up more than any other at the pool.

[enter stage right "pal" #3 and "pal"#4]

 Well these 2 geniusess had first come to fish beside us,saw the action I was getting... and then realizing their fate at the bottem of the pool decided that "pal" #1 had it all figured out. They left ...drove around the river and splashed their way beside him... directly in front of my cast. I had to decide to stop fishing the spot I had waited nearly 7 hours for and let them have it ... or just continue on.

CasinoJim kept fishing!

The 3 "pals" have now been joined by 2 teenage bottem bouncers. Could this day get worse? 3 and 4 line tangle ups were becoming common.

One time I hear  "pal" #3 (if your losing count).. comment after untangling my line in a 3 way tangle between him, I and "pal"#1 (that he caused by the way). " I should have smacked him in the mouth while I had the chance when I was over there"

Still in control I ignore this comment.

In the mid pack of well between 7 and 9 guys fishing the pool was a quiet feller Bill...not realy doing much... well he yells out "Spring on" and whadda you know!... this 20 odd pound monster starts tearing up the pool ... line is screaming off Bill's reel and we all dutifly quickly bring in our gear ...except of course Dr Evil and his Geisha! No they just look up and ignore us while we all are yelling Spring On! Spring On! Spring coming UP!

I see they are not bringing in gear so I bellow out Spring On! At this point Dr Evil points his rod at me and yells out "if you yell at me one more time I will come over there and kick the cupcakes out of you!
I yell back What do you want? there is a spring coming up get your fucking gear out of the water! So he says something to his "pal" and he casts over Bills fish!

Moments later Bill's Spring is gone and he is coming back up the bar. He is pissed,and I realize cupcakes! Bills a big guy!Gotta set o guns on them arms! Looks like Bill knows how to use them as well.

 Now these two "pals" have the whole bank pissed at them. Bill looks at me and says "Well Jim are they coming over here or do we gotta go over there and get them?" I said "Bill they aint coming here ...they dont got the guts for that... but hey would ya rather fish or fight"? Bill thinks for a moment then smiles and said "Ya its just a fish I guess" this broke the ice and the tension as laughter rang out all up and down the pool... on our side.

"pals" #3 and #4 could not stand the comments that were being called out up and down the pool and left soon after.


« Last Edit: July 14, 2004, 09:22:05 AM by casinoJim »
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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2004, 10:15:29 PM »

Good report! I feel for you Lower Mainland guys having to fish river holes with other people....regardless if they are idiots are not.

Keep on keepin on Casino Jim!

Serena - Terrace, BC

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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2004, 10:24:01 PM »

Relax everybody, take a chill pill  ;D Having said that I would have cut the SOB's line ....... can't stand idiots !  ;D


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2004, 10:44:21 PM »

Serena, Thanx!  been up the Nass lately??

Harold and Frank are definately old Cap guys!
Know them??
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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2004, 10:45:10 PM »

reminds me to pack my special fish club next time I go out to the vedder
You don't make friends with salad.


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2004, 10:48:23 PM »

let me guess,  you were fishing peach road!!!


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2004, 10:55:30 PM »

Cooler heads than I...I would have made it to the second "smack in the mouth" comment at best before I smacked someone in the mouth.

What has happened to fishing ethics, 20 years ago you'd never see such a scene on the river, in fact if the next guy was closer than 20 feet he was too close.

yup ditto....i restrict myself to fishing stillwaters and remote lakes for this very reason. if i was there and idiots 1-4 made comments like that i'd leave bodies IN the ground. i'm grtting a lot better with dealing with people but everyone has their limit.

i know i know......relax....break the tension with a joke or something. use verbal judo instead of the killing hands.....i'm working on it...... 8)


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2004, 11:32:43 PM »

oh ye who doth not walk the ho chi minh trails of the vedder...

i'm very good at setting up a "deadman fall" , "tiger pits", booby traps, trip wires, man snares etc.  howdid i learn all this?? old hunter in the Kootenays who used to hunt mountain lions and kodiaks using these methods taught me. i have way too much idle time on my hands............. :o

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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2004, 12:18:15 AM »

You need to go fishing Otto !

Dynamite kid

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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2004, 12:33:26 AM »

Otto that was the funniest playing post I have ever read ,I am seriously crying right now."the killing hands"
I gotta use that one some time .LOL. ;D


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2004, 01:05:32 AM »

Otto that was the funniest playing post I have ever read ,I am seriously crying right now."the killing hands"
I gotta use that one some time .LOL. ;D

i just went my secret fishing hole....i feel much beer now......... ;D


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2004, 07:34:42 AM »

I stopped fishing the vedder last year as this is a very poor example of angling for my kids. My son (7 years at the time) just about knocked someone out as they did the same thing to him.

We were 100 ft away from everyone as the kid needs a little extra room to cast and 5 guys figured that the spot next to us was better than anywhere else. So I explained to the group that my kid may need alittle extra room as he is still learning and no one listened, I told the boy to keep on casting and he hit one of the guys in the head with his spoon! That will teach the guys! :P

We will now stick to the fraser ;D


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2004, 07:37:52 AM »

hahahaha...too bad it was'nt a 2 oz betty!!! CLANG!!! RIGHT IN THE OL THINKING CAP........... ;D ;D


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2004, 08:13:41 AM »

CJ dude I don't know how you can put up with that crap. Takes away from the angling experience. But when you jump into the fire one should not complain about the heat!


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Re:vedder muppet show ...Ya gotta read this!!
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2004, 09:57:46 AM »

Hey JP You gotta point, surely if you step into the combat zone you gotta duck when the shrapnel starts to fly.

But you might have missed my reason for posting... let me explain. Dr Evil and his Geisha were in fact never a real threat to me. I'm not going to pontificate about what a great scrapper I am ... thats just not my style... I'm sure I don't look like much...but I can get it done , if you know what I mean, and I had some serious back -up ( right Bill? ;) )So my report is my way of reaching the nearly 300 guys whom have read this post so far about how I think not to behave at the Vedder.

You know,start the dialogue. If someone reads how that type of behavior is received by other fishermen ( and women... thanx Serena  :-*) They might modify their behavior. Sure lots a chuckleheads will never change... but its worth a try.

I also think the report has some entertainment value  ;D

« Last Edit: July 13, 2004, 10:00:33 AM by casinoJim »
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