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Author Topic: chehalis river  (Read 32551 times)


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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #60 on: November 07, 2015, 12:19:25 PM »

Never said it was the canyon,matter of fact i never said it was the chehalis,lots of assumptions being put forth by u two guys just to defend your blatant ignorance to justify pulling down trail marking tape,first off i new this trail well it was not a wide trail more like a game trail and thick bush,i marked the easiest route that would make it easier for my friend in order to avoid his back issue possibly flaring up,we were not lost we took a wrong trail of wich there were many in this area and had to double back,i have been fishing with the guy for fifteen years and have been on alot more difficult places than this without issue and if his back wouldnt have went out we would have been back at the truck in 20 minutes but without the tape it added another 40 or so minutes and yes we allways remove the tape on the way out to be used on another day,there is no way any one can justify pulling down a marked trail and let me tell you if i would have caught the asshat that took down my tape i woulda put him in the hospital.
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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #61 on: November 07, 2015, 12:30:58 PM »

There are some truth to every comments made above. I won't get into specific river or even the fishing part but as someone who have been hiking all my life and been into many hairy conditions, I can just say one thing, please do not just depend on your cell phone, gps or any other electronic devices. They can fail or malfunction at the worse time. Marker saves life end of story. Of course you should know your trail you'r hiking as well as understanding your strengths and weaknesses. Just my 2c.

Johnny Canuck

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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #62 on: November 07, 2015, 12:37:28 PM »

Never said it was the canyon,matter of fact i never said it was the chehalis,lots of assumptions being put forth by u two guys just to defend your blatant ignorance to justify pulling down trail marking tape,first off i new this trail well it was not a wide trail more like a game trail and thick bush,i marked the easiest route that would make it easier for my friend in order to avoid his back issue possibly flaring up,we were not lost we took a wrong trail of wich there were many in this area and had to double back,i have been fishing with the guy for fifteen years and have been on alot more difficult places than this without issue and if his back wouldnt have went out we would have been back at the truck in 20 minutes but without the tape it added another 40 or so minutes and yes we allways remove the tape on the way out to be used on another day,there is no way any one can justify pulling down a marked trail and let me tell you if i would have caught the asshat that took down my tape i woulda put him in the hospital.

This is a thread about the chehalis, you never said it was a different flow. Taking a wrong trail and having to double back is lost. It's good that you take the tape out, why not write on the tape that it will be removed? Anglers who frequent quiet or more remote spots despise trail markings of any sort as they go to these more remote places to get away from the gong show, not to join it. It's not wise to make such a threat on a public forum either let alone to actually assault someone. For all you know the guy you think you're going to tune up is gonna rock your world and not in a way your wife would...

There are some truth to every comments made above. I won't get into specific river or even the fishing part but as someone who have been hiking all my life and been into many hairy conditions, I can just say one thing, please do not just depend on your cell phone, gps or any other electronic devices. They can fail or malfunction at the worse time. Marker saves life end of story. Of course you should know your trail you'r hiking as well as understanding your strengths and weaknesses. Just my 2c.

Very good advice, something to add is NEVER go alone or tell someone your where abouts and expected time of return. I ALWAYS tell a buddy who knows the area where I'm going if I'm going solo and I say where my vehicle will be parked and areas I plan to visit also.
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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #63 on: November 07, 2015, 12:39:58 PM »

let me tell you if i would have caught the asshat that took down my tape i woulda put him in the hospital.

Suddenly i dont feel so sorry for you anymore

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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #64 on: November 07, 2015, 12:41:23 PM »

I think the flagging tape thing is getting out of hand. While on the chehalis it may not be a big deal, other places it would be - and I do use it a lot on some systems. Ripping down flagging tape is just asinine. The most common thing flagging tape is used for is LOGGING. Surveyors go in and flag cut boundaries, creek boundaries, etc. Ripping down these tapes is an extremely bad idea, and not within your rights (unless you want the companies to start gating access - much like they've already started doing on Van Island).

The other thing is for trails. Yes, maybe flagging trails on the chehalis is a bad call as the trails are so engraved into the ground it is hard to miss them. You don't need tape there, and it's an eye sore. I don't go there often, but even my first time there, the trails were not hard to find or stay on. I haven't been there in over a year and could still find them, it's not difficult.

The island on the other hand is totally different. I had a similar situation where I flagged a trail down behind myself, and someone tore it down. Luckily this river was one where not everything looked completely the same - and I came out with daylight - so I was able to find my way back. There are some rivers where you would not have been able to find your way out (well maybe out - but not anywhere near your vehicle with no idea of where your vehicle is). I always flag my way down the first time. GPS is useless, as most are in thick forest and canyon - and don't try to tell me you'd find your way out with a compass. Breaking sticks is dumb, anything can break a stick, and you don't need to look far to find one you didn't break. Putting down arrows, pine cones, etc would not work as there is no trail, nor enough bare patches to do it.

So please, if you feel the need to come to the remote areas of Van Island and see some flagging tape, leave it alone. I fish some of these rivers more than anyone, and would never feel so "entitled" as to rip down someone's flagging and put them at risk just because I fear someone new will see them. As long as you start marking well into the bush where it is not visible from the road, I don't have a problem with it... If someone has made it that far, hiking through the bush to be able to see my trail markers - and know that it is indeed a trail marker and not logging tape - they deserve to be able to follow it down and fish.


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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #65 on: November 07, 2015, 12:41:39 PM »

Never said it was the canyon,matter of fact i never said it was the chehalis,lots of assumptions being put forth by u two guys just to defend your blatant ignorance to justify pulling down trail marking tape,first off i new this trail well it was not a wide trail more like a game trail and thick bush,i marked the easiest route that would make it easier for my friend in order to avoid his back issue possibly flaring up,we were not lost we took a wrong trail of wich there were many in this area and had to double back,i have been fishing with the guy for fifteen years and have been on alot more difficult places than this without issue and if his back wouldnt have went out we would have been back at the truck in 20 minutes but without the tape it added another 40 or so minutes and yes we allways remove the tape on the way out to be used on another day,there is no way any one can justify pulling down a marked trail and let me tell you if i would have caught the asshat that took down my tape i woulda put him in the hospital.

Sorry for assuming you were talking about Chehalis in the thread titled "Chehalis River"  :o my bad. You didn't mention in your original post that your intensions were to remove the flagging on your way out, that's a little different than flagging trails and leaving it everywhere. Lots of times hiking I have flagged trails and then on the way out removed them all. Leave nature as your found it.

Johnny Canuck: beat me to this point!!

Sounds like you had an unfortunate incident though. Strsnge thing is that if someone came behind you and removed all the flagging while you were fishing wouldn't that person get to the end of the trail and see you?

Anyways... We can get back to talking about the chehalis fishing anytime. The flagging not flagging debate won't be resolved as there are clearly mixed opinions. What we can all agree on is that we all like to fish so let's maybe talk about that.

I didn't go to chehalis today, if the Hancock webcam is any indication it's pretty dark water and probably blown out again.

Everyday: logging flagging tape is usually always marked with a felt marker indicating gps or the company or some indicator. Random red/yellow/pink flags in a trail are definitely not logging markers...
« Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 12:44:50 PM by Shinny »


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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #66 on: November 07, 2015, 02:59:00 PM »

Searun17. Not for one moment did I think it was at the Chehalis. My first thought was it was either Behind On The Way store or Way's Field. I apologize, as it might have been me who took down the flagging tape. Flagging tape to me is like curing roe for others. I just can't get enough! I like to tip my jigs with it to add a little more action! I do this to my pink worms as well. It's free and I can't help my self.

Its like collecting salmon berries "from the tree" and tying roe bags with them. Hence the name salmon berries! Then I think of the birds that are looking to eat during the winter but the fish to catch enter my brain and take over again! Screw the birds. The cats are going to get them any way!

Please don't hurt me if you see me. I am currently attending a course run by The Boy Scouts of Canada to help me with my problem of collecting flagging tape! I will beat this addiction but I will need all your support!

Sorry again! Ghost.
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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #67 on: November 07, 2015, 03:40:42 PM »

#flagging tape. Is now trending
Have you talked too someone for a while and thought too yourself.......
"who ties your shoelaces for you"

Johnny Canuck

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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #68 on: November 07, 2015, 06:30:28 PM »

Ahhh the power of the internet....

You type in a few little words into this thing called Google and voila up pops all the information with those words. Now some of it is fake and false, however when people confirm it themselves it must be true, right?

Go ahead try it yourself, Google search "chilliwack sar chehalis rescue" I remember reading the incident online while wacking some hos today (semi ethically as the water had around 4"-6" of visibility in the back eddy I decided to fish today)

Geoff has said MANY times on another fishing forum he has a bad back and that you two fish the Alouette together all the time. I'm guessing you guys had your kids with you also? What are the chances that your best fishing buddy went to chehalis and got lost without you?...

Liar, liar pants on fire!
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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #69 on: November 07, 2015, 06:58:42 PM »

Hey he never said it wasn't the Chehalis... lol



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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #70 on: November 07, 2015, 08:24:52 PM »

Good job mr private investigater,must mean allot to go searching for the incident,i never said it was the chehalis nor did i say it wasnt because were it happened is irrelevent to the point i was trying to make with my original comments about guys pulling down flagging tape because they are there for a reason,bottom line is if the tape was left we easily would have made it back to camp,no problem,and if i was alone i would have made it back with or without the tape but as i said before the tape was left to show us the easiest root for his back and if his back wouldnt of went out we would have got back,Sar was only called because he wasnt getting outta there in the day or night,originally we were going to camp out and wait till daylight but with the pain he was in it was pointless waiting it out.also i rarely fish the allouette
« Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 08:30:15 PM by searun17 »
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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #71 on: November 07, 2015, 08:40:05 PM »

holy cupcakes guys give it a rest. whats the big deal. just leave the tape alone. maybe someone is in there for the first time and does not feel as comfortable as you pros.


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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #72 on: November 07, 2015, 08:45:20 PM »

holy cupcakes guys give it a rest. whats the big deal. just leave the tape alone. maybe someone is in there for the first time and does not feel as comfortable as you pros.
exactly my point from the beginning ,leave the tape alone its there for a reason
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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #73 on: November 07, 2015, 08:48:05 PM »

Good job mr private investigater,must mean allot to go searching for the incident,i never said it was the chehalis nor did i say it wasnt because were it happened is irrelevent to the point i was trying to make with my original comments about guys pulling down flagging tape because they are there for a reason,bottom line is if the tape was left we easily would have made it back to camp,no problem,and if i was alone i would have made it back with or without the tape but as i said before the tape was left to show us the easiest root for his back and if his back wouldnt of went out we would have got back,Sar was only called because he wasnt getting outta there in the day or night,originally we were going to camp out and wait till daylight but with the pain he was in it was pointless waiting it out.also i rarely fish the allouette

All the runs in the lower where there's cell coverage are so beaten in a blind man could find the river. Being such an expierenced bushman I'm sure it would be no problem to walk out in the dark with a flashlight, you had a flashlight right?
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Re: chehalis river
« Reply #74 on: November 07, 2015, 09:15:42 PM »

All the guys that want to remove all the tape. I'll be camped up there for a few days soon.  Just for fun I may scatter that stuff all over just to keep you busy and ruin your day.

For christ sakes people just drop it already. Can't believe I just read through all that crap !! >:(

If you see flagging tape up, leave it alone and just go fishing !
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