Isn't this a contradiction? I thought a "meat hole" was a term used to reference a productive piece of water that frequently produces "meat". I think you meant to say not all easy to access spots are "meat holes" or that just because a lot of guys are fishing there spent mean it will be productive.
I disagree though, that those that complain do not fish there, as it is the experience fishing there that the majority of those complaining are complaining about. The most frustrated complainers are those that do not fish the easily accessed parts (Browne Rd being an exception perhaps), where they have walked into a less accessible run and then get low holed by someone who walks in afterwards and starts fishing the tail out of the run you are half way through. As I said earlier, the Veddder has become an excuse to behave poorly, but etiquette is not something you can explain away or avoid because you think the other people are not using it. You either have it or you don't. You either respect other people or you are rude and selfish. It is a question of your inner character as a human being, nothing more.
we all make mistakes , we all learn . you can`t say "You either have it or you don't. You either respect other people or you are rude and selfish." I dunno how many times I posted , from 2 years of fishing experience , im learning , I don't have it right away , I do respect people , but 1 time when I got to cap with my bud , and where was a guy flyfishing - he took half a pool with his casts , and he yelled at me and my buddy when we were watching him to get out his way so he can cast , and we could see another 10 anglers on a second half of the pool shoulder to shoulder .... THAT was my first time I got angry .... isn`t it just a common sense ?! if 10 people float fishing , and a water has quite a flow - wtf ?! I`ve been at cap hundreds of times , all times I was enjoying my trips , my first cohos landed there were on roe I had , and I shared it with a guy I hiked from parking and we were talking , both of us were newbies , he use my roe and got a fish
I was very happy , more happier than that guy was
I never had problems with people fishing around me , the only thing I tried to avoid stop with big amount of people when I was learning baitcaster/pin .
now lets go to c/v , after reading all these posts about combat fishing and blahblahblah , I went there a few times , and guess what - I did enjoyed it !!! all the people around me were nice and friendly , they correct me if I was doing something wrong , they NEVER were angry if my line tangled with theirs ,cuz I told them right away im just a newbie and trying to learn .
I really don't know where you guys are fishing
for 2 years , 1 case with that flyfishing guy , other than that - people are friendly and willing to help .