how about this ?!
on Saturday I met up with 2 buddys of mine and a guy who said he will teach me steelhead fishing (really nice friendly person , we txt`ed a lot , quite a few email , and finally we met up!!!) , we headed to a river , we fished lower and moved up after a bit . My bud and my teacher got above the crowd of guys fishing "kinda in a middle" , I checked water and decided to fish below them , cuz they were stuck to "their" spot , after I asked a guy lowest to the run - can I fish below you ? - you should see his eyes , I bet he never heard this , next thing he said - sure ... I spent 10-15 mins and head to my bud and teacher . One of the guys from the crowd was b/b

))) and his line did crossed with my teacher`s line ... that guy just cut it of ....
where is common sense ?! b/b vs float fishing ?
after a while situation became really bad , and I asked a few times my teacher to leave those guys and head to different spot . 1 of the guys from "crowd that owns that spot" came to him and said that it wasn`t right to cut his line w/o asking him or any attempts trying to fix the crossline situation . The guy who cut line of my teacher was yelling - this is not vedder/Chilliwack , your rules don't apply here ...
You guys can still argue about my opinion about that flyfisherman , but this situation is sooooo wrong ....
p.s. my teacher stopped fishing when I got to them and start telling me and my bud about water , how and where sh might be , he explained more time than he was fishing ....
p.p.s. me and buds left around 12 , and head hoping for some trout in upper lakes , we came back couple hours after - same "crowd" , same spot ....
what do you think about about it ?! combat sh fishing ?