I haven't used UV glues but I've heard various reports that it can remain tacky and needs to be coated with CA or nail polish anyway. I was in Michael and Young a couple of days ago and they have Tuffleye UV kits on sale for about $58 from the reg price of $105.
Here's my experience with UV.
After seeing the price on those fly store UV kits, I found an alternative.
I bought a:
- UV laser (Ebay prices range from 1$ to 8$)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhZUWNKPF-o (I got this exact one!)
- Loon UV Clear Thick for 16$
- Loon UV boat repair for 8$
- Loon Fluorescent Hard Head 8$
If you go to other countries, you can buy UV cured nail polish for cosmetics - this is what many European fly tiers use and swear by - and it costs only 1$-2$ over there, for all sorts of brands. In Canada, a tiny bottle of Sally Hansen UV cure cosmetic nail polish goes for 18$ and up..
The UV laser cures instantly ( I mean, instantly! 1 second to penetrate a big blob of goo when forming a 3D streamer eye) and is super powerful, lasts for many years on 2 x AAA batteries. Cons: its too powerful, reflects in your eyes from ANY surface.. I close my eyes before turning it on just to be safe.
To contrast the laser, a UV light, depending on the frequency, takes longer to cure. 5-10 seconds for decent quality ones.
The LOON UV clear thick was amazing stuff in my experience. Very nice, very workable. Not sticky. You can really model hair /fur fibers with it. When Loon Hard Head Phosphorescent cracks and falls of my fly within 1 false cast, the UV thick clear stays on, stays clear, and stays elastic so it doesn't crack. I haven't tried the UV boat repair yet, but bought a pack. Some tiers use it since its cheaper and apparently works just the same?
I also use UV cure on thread wraps when making loops on fly lines. It stays quite flexible so the line doesn't crack over time.
I've not used UV boat repair but after a few youtube video deomnstrations, it seems like a decent product. If it doesn't stay complely clear, ill just use it to finish the heads of my flies, form nymph legs or hold things in place.
Loon Fluorescent hard head is a nightmare. The bottle glows in the dark, quite noticeably! But the flies with a big blob of the goo applied & dried does not glow. The goo is clear when wet but becomes completely white when dry. Useless, in my opinion. After experimenting with different coats, drying methods, the stuff фдцфні cracks, crumbles and falls off your fly even while its sitting in the fly box... Maybe I got a bad bottle of the goo?
You can also get UV electronics & smartphone syringes that are used for gluing smartphone screens, for 2-3$ on Ebay, however most have a lesser quantity than the 8$ bottle of UV boat repair, but keep looking for deals and you might find something great.