Why would you use something for a year if it doesn't fit your needs?
You are probably one of those guys who buys a high-end video camera for a special event, and once you have recorded and edited what you want, you bring it back to the store because "it doesn't fit your needs".
Do you also return your waders after using them for a few years because they have "developed a leak"?
God help manufacturers with customers like you.
And bam - just like that, a left hook from Milo.
I love reading your replies - so volatile - you remind me of me. Love it. Mind you I usually take a sideways approach.
Milo, you and I should go fishing together someday for kicks. Actually, we best not, we would probably never get the boat in the water without a fight or piss each other off for doing something that the other didn't like.
Milo, are you a Scorpio as well?
Yes, I also have problems when people say, use it then just take it back. I don't like or believe in that concept.
Are wetskins also known as Oils Skins or is that an entirely different product. Wait, Google will tall me.
Hey Milo, thanks for making me smile after lunch. I needed that today.