I would pay for a multi-year licence, but would like to see a different format. Carrying a piece of paper around sucks, while it means I can print off several and keep one in the truck, waders, office, etc... They always seem to get wet or misplaced.
A plastic credit card style would be nice, or the ability to display it on your phone...
Is the fishing licence going to be integrated with the FWID eventually? If so, one licence could manage all your info and make trips to the service desk a little easier. As of now, each spring I have to make four transactions for various licences, stamps, and tags. It's annoying especially since the office is only open during bank hours. Could this ultimately be connected with you driver's licence?
As of now I think the price is fair and the process of obtaining a licence is easy. I think rather than incentivising different demographics to get out and fish, there should be continued emphasis on fishing ethically and following the regulations.