Day 6 of our safari saw us down in the Ngorongoro Crater (actually Caldera). It is 30x20km across and acts as a mini ecosystem all on its own as the steep walls minimize migration in and out of the Caldera.
We saw some more beautiful birds this day, both in the crater and at our lodge in the Ngorongoro highlands, nearby.
1. Black-Chested Snake Eagle
Black-chested Snake Eagle (Circaetus pectoralis) by
Brian Hampson, on Flickr
2. Probably a few thousand Lesser Flamingos feeding in the Alkali lakes
Wildebeest walking past Lesser Flamingos by
Brian Hampson, on Flickr
3. An Egyptian Goose that found a very interesting place to sleep.
Just resting - on a hippo! by
Brian Hampson, on Flickr
4. A Capped Wheatear
Capped Wheatear (Oenanthe pileata) by
Brian Hampson, on Flickr
5. Rosy Pelicans
Rosy Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) by
Brian Hampson, on Flickr
6. A whiskered Tern flitting in the marshes, eating bugs
Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybrida) in flight by
Brian Hampson, on Flickr
7. Augur Buzzard
Augur Buzzard (Buteo augur) by
Brian Hampson, on Flickr
We saw a bunch of other ones too, but I won't clutter things up too much in this post. Check out the day's pictures at: