Sorry for the late report that I promised for 10 as I got back late from fishing and had to dash off to church, just back.
Well the river was in tip top shape as I slipped down to Gwyn's Run for an hour this morning. It was Chum City this morning as they were going by in droves and I think I had the most take downs I have had this coho salmon season.
The only 2 coho I hooked I lost, hope there is time for some of you to get out there that may have been waiting for my water condition report.
Very few anglers out in the area I was fishing and none in Gwyn's run.
Was nice to meet Warren as I was heading out, I talked too long and had to run back to the truck to change from waders to church clothes.

Looks like a good week ahead to fish before the coho season ends shortly.

Rod will dispute that as he does each year.