It's good to hear that the chum return is looking good. Chum numbers crashed several years ago and it has been a long slow process for the fish to build to what you see now. Chum in the Vedder/Chilliwack for the most part are dark and of mediocre table quality. Many people retain females for the roe as bait. Best I know most system that rely on wild reproduction are still depressed.
This week I have landed some in good condition put one on the BBQ last night and my wife even liked it.

They are not as good as some other species but we must remember fish are good for you not like some that are raised in net pens.

Just a reminder when you clean or fillet your fish at home always a good practice to being them back to the river to add nutrients to the system, Gwyn always made a practice of doing that.
Some people that clean their fish at the river just leave the innards on the beach, not hard to throw them in the river.
Today's report, river great conditions and of course many chum, I think I had only one coho salmon on briefly, many misses.
Nicholas the Fisherman got a nice clipped coho, filmed it may post it one day.

A local l dairy farmer who came out after miking got a good sized one too.
Went for my usual cleanup of some line and Tim's cups etc. and saw the hardware casting boys doing very well, some good sized coho, bigger than I have caught this year.
Well tomorrow is another day to get out and enjoy our fishery at this time of year that I enjoy so much as the leaves are turning their various colors.
Will have to post some pictures from the last few days soon on the FVSS FB page and mine too.
Make sure you get out there when you can as the major coho salmon run will soon be over.