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Author Topic: 2016 Chilliwack River fall salmon fishery information & water condition updates  (Read 272592 times)


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Sorry Dave, I don't drink beer just pure grain alcohol mixed with distilled water for me. ;D

Actually Dave I think I disagree with some small % of what you say - probably much less than 10%.

I have always found that disagreements are a great opportunity for leaning.

I have a few liters of histological grade 99% ethanol, unflavored ...  would that work ;D
I agree, as two old farts we are mostly on the same page :)


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River condition was good today again, but heavy rain right now so tomorrow might be a write-off... :/ Hard to say until checking the hydrograph in the morning.


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Hey 243Pete,

Nice meeting you too, and thanks for the jig!

I've never seen so many fish come to shore so steadily in my life, just amazing to see...

Hope to have another chance to get out there again soon.

Side note, as I was leaving, I went to check Bergman road just to see what the water looked like. There was a man there who had a chrome Chinook that made the chums look like that jack coho I landed, simply incredible...

Nice meeting you too and no problem! :D

Well once you kinda know where fish are moving in a body of water all you need is something to get them to strike, as you saw LOTS of those chum were hooked fairly close to shore in water no deeper than 2 feet. Funny seeing so many covered in sea lice. :o

Chrome spring?!!?  :o Yup... this year is adding up to an odd one indeed.

Can you describe or provide a pic of this Frankenstein jig? I've been looking for some new patterns to try for chum this year.
Sending you a PM.


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On another side note, Fisheries and Oceans Canada are doing a tagging of chum this year, if anything encounters a chum with a circular tag above the dorsal fin please make a note of where and when it was caught, there are people walking at 3 spots on the river (train, Tamahi and cement slab) with clip boards asking for info. Seems like there is concern about the return of chum over the past couple years and any information gathered can help.


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River condition was still ok at first light, but it's mud now.


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... but it's mud now.

That's because I booked the day-off for tomorrow to fish. Sigh :-\

chris gadsden

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River condition was still ok at first light, but it's mud now.
Yes very muddy, some Coho caught before the change over.

Noahs Arc

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Plenty of fishing other places get your butt out there!


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On another side note, Fisheries and Oceans Canada are doing a tagging of chum this year, if anything encounters a chum with a circular tag above the dorsal fin please make a note of where and when it was caught

Do they want it retained to recover the tag info, or just the details of where/when/how/etc?


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Do they want it retained to recover the tag info, or just the details of where/when/how/etc?
If you retain a chum which has a tag please make note of it or if you find a survey person(s) walking the river to give them the tag and note where and what time it was caught at. As for how it was caught I don't believe they are taking that info down.


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In case people were wondering about about the river.....



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Any hope the river will clear up by tomorrow??


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I was feeling desperate and decided to go out this evening. River was in no way fishable. Very high and dirty.


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Water was high, but the vis was about 3 feet. Things should improve more later this afternoon, and by tomorrow the clarity will be just fine.


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Water was high, but the vis was about 3 feet. Things should improve more later this afternoon, and by tomorrow the clarity will be just fine.

Good to hear - was this below the crossing that visibility was already at 3 feet?