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Author Topic: 2016 Chilliwack River fall salmon fishery information & water condition updates  (Read 272543 times)


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Terrific! Try, try again...


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This morning was productive, water had a green tinge lower river. Landed 5 coho including 2 wild's!
...then moved up river and didn't have a sniff!



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Lucky you! Naught but chum for me, though I finally caught and landed one on the fly rod. Too bad I'm not a bootmaker...;)

chris gadsden

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Found the new Hot Spot yesterday so was there at first light  this morning and was the only one there until Nicholas the Fisherman came along always good to fish with him, a young angler but is certainly a good angler and knows how to fish.

 Once again the coho must be gone as only chum for us, 2 days in a row without a coho salmon. Took home a fresh chum , they too may become scare with all the netting going on in the Fraser now.

On the way home I filmed this Eagle feeding on a chum, the importance of having Wild Salmon returning to our rivers. :P

chris gadsden

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A short trip this AM and of course the chum salmon were willing biters be it a short biting period, they were all fairly fresh. No coho once again. :P

Cleaned up some garbage on the way home in Yarrow and was told coho being taken there, by the look of the cars it must be true. ;D ;D

Rain started a couple of hours ago. Fairly cool so snow level will be down some I would guess.


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crappy cold wet windy weather in chilliwack at the moment. fished in the morning...took a couple home for dinner. It was raining heavy at times but its not enough to change river conditions by much.


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was out for two hours today from 11:30am - 1:40pm and had the fishing vessel broken into. They broke the lock out and damaged the door. Did not steal a thing. There was a nice chair, shovel, even a nice blue fox spinner in there  ::) . They did rummage through the glove box but nothing was missing. very rainy out there water has not changed as of yet.

was mid river close to the vedder crossing


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Bummer dude...


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River is very high. Vis 10-12" on the lower. Use your best judgment if it's worth the trip


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River is very high. Vis 10-12" on the lower. Use your best judgment if it's worth the trip

You actually went there this morning? I woke up, looked at the graph and rolled back in bed. ;)

Nicolas The Fisherman

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River is pretty well blown out now with less than 1 foot of visibility in the lower river . Should have known better after seeing the big spike in the graph this morning ;D Oh well , it wasn't a total waste as I did some float hunting and found a few DNE's and one Fred's float .


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It's much more safer to hunt for floats after the water level drops to normal range.

Be careful on the banks of a blown river - you might fall in and a krocodile could get you.


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Was on the road before the graph went too high this morning, so I was already out there when I realized how high the water was. Got a couple bites lower river, but lost them as quickly as they came. Visibility less than a foot and water a muddy brown. Water already started to head down noticeably before I left!


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You actually went there this morning? I woke up, looked at the graph and rolled back in bed. ;)
That's why I told people to use their best judgement. Mine is apparently not very good.

chris gadsden

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River is pretty well blown out now with less than 1 foot of visibility in the lower river . Should have known better after seeing the big spike in the graph this morning ;D Oh well , it wasn't a total waste as I did some float hunting and found a few DNE's and one Fred's float .
After my floats are you. ;D ;D You missed some as I got 2 dozen today.

The river came around this afternoon but it was just chum today once again.

A dipper was doing very well at the Crossing this morning with fish after fish in very fast water.  :-[

I will have some video I filmed of that later and sadly another video how he handled fish that he landed, should come with a PG rating. ::)