Hi everyone,
My name is Ken and I live in Toronto.
I've signed up on Fishing with Rod for a long time. A friend of mine (Kazu, akak UMAKKO) used to post here but he has since returned to Japan. I fished with Kazu in BC in 2007 and 2009 and caught many of the species BC has to offer.
I love fishing for different species, and it is Rodney's love for various species and his videos that prompted me now to introduce myself. I hope to be a little more active here and find out more about the various species that BC has to offer.
I've been fishing since 11 years old...and I'm now 34. I've always love catching different species, but it was Kazu who really got me into species hunting, especially for the micro species and the non-sportfish species. Since then, I've fished in many Canadian provinces, US states and countries targeting species.
Thus far, I've caught about 633 species. I'm not sure of the exact number yet as there were still a few Peru species I need to fully identify. It is also my eventual goal to have fished in all seven continents...and yes, that would include Antarctica. So far, I've fished in North America (Canada, US and Mexico), South America (Peru), Europe (France, Greece), Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong) and Australia (Australia).
Please don't mistake this as a promotion of my blog. I am simply attaching a link to share with you my adventures and my photos so you get a sense of the kind of angler I am.
http://muskiebaitadventures.blogspot.ca/You can see my species list in the link below. However, it has not been updated since March and a lot has happened since then (about 80 new species added to the list). Hopefully I can update it when I have time during the Christmas break.
http://muskiebaitadventures.blogspot.ca/p/species-list.htmlIn Canada alone, I've caught at least 103 species from 9 provinces. My goal is to catch a new species from AB, YT, NT, and NU so that I can catch species from all the Canadian provinces and territories. Here is just a sample of species I've caught in the 9 Canadian provinces. All fish were caught on hook and line. It'll give you an idea of my passion for species big and small.
British Columbia - Acipenser transmontanus - White Sturgeon
Saskatchewan - Margariscus nachtriebi - Northern Pearl Dace
Manitoba - Hiodon alosoides - Goldeye
Ontario - Esox masquinongy - Muskellunge
Quebec - Alosa sapidissima - American Shad
New Brunswick - Acipenser brevirostrum - Shortnose Sturgeon
Prince Edward Island - Gasterosteus wheatlandi - Blackspotted Stickleback
Nova Scotia - Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus - Longhorn Sculpin
Newfoundland - Pholis gunnellus - Rock Gunnel
Anyways, I hope to chat with you in the future.
At the moment, I'm especially interested in Largescale Sucker and Peamouth Chub from BC. These are just species I think think off the top of my head. There will be a lot of saltwater species I'd like to target as well on my next visit to BC.