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Author Topic: Fishing downstream of another angler  (Read 10619 times)


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Fishing downstream of another angler
« on: October 31, 2016, 08:42:15 AM »

So yesterday I was out fishing in the squamish area for coho and chum. I got to the spot around 730AM and the first bit of light was just hitting the water.

I walk down to the bank, notice 2 anglers across the river, and 2 on the main stretch (probably only space for 2 there). I walked about 20 meters downstream and noticed a free spot, with another angler maybe 5 meters down river of it. I asked if he was OK me fishing above him and he didn't have problem with it.

Out of nowhere, after my first cast, one of the anglers across the river begins cursing profusely, and finishes off with "Use your f****** head".. My first reaction was that he thinks I'm fishing too closely to the guy downstream, so I explain that I had asked him, to which he replied with a slurry of profanity followed by "not him the guy above you".

I'm not an expert angler, but I'm not new and understand common angling courtesy, and know that when you fish below someone, you should typically ask, but I was a distance away that with my hardest throw I MIGHT be able to hit him with a baseball. Further, the guy wasn't even float fishing, he was hucking spoons straight in front of him. His lure was not coming close to me.. To me it seemed ridiculous to get called out for this. Am i wrong?

I then walked up and asked the angler above if he was okay and similarly he said, "no problem at all"..
I later found out that the angry guy across the stream goes there "every day" and lives "right around the corner". Was he being territorial and wanted everyone to play by his rules? I guess I just want to know what the rule of thumb is for asking the angler upstream for approval, because this ruined my day and I kept second guessing myself... Couldn't enjoy the scenery of the feeding eagles and great fishing action because in my mind I was quite distraught..


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 09:00:42 AM »

Haven't fished the Squamish in a number of years, but when I did, If you were with-in 10yards of anyone there ,they would give you that WTF look. It was  explained to me that fishing pressure is light there, with lots of room, therefore you don't need to be near anyone else. Also, IMHO that person probably thought you were low holing him(getting first crack at fish travelling up) Sorry, that it ruined your day though

Animal Chin

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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2016, 09:55:08 AM »

I normally try to ask too, because my natural inclination is to be polite. However, I've also learnt that to "ask" just to be polite, when you pretty much know that you're within generally acceptable or reasonable guidelines, is just to invite jerks to say no.

In which case, what do you do then? Kinda becomes confrontational and tense.

I found I do it person by person, if they appear like minded and friendly I ask, but sometimes I just smile nod and ask how it's going as a way to start off being friendly. If they, however, explain to me why they have a problem with me fishing where I am  and it seems reasonable to me, then I have no problem moving on.

It's a fine line though, I always get a little anxious when I get to the river. And I know everyone has different interpretations of what is a "reasonable" guideline, but you know what I mean.

I think you were perfectly within your rights to fish where you did...if you couldn't hit the guy upriver with a baseball and wasn't in the way of his drift etc...may be different for steelhead season, but that's even getting crazy last couple years. Yeah sorry it ruined your day .. you ever watch those youtube videos of salmon fishing in the States.. now that's combat fishing.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 09:58:50 AM by Animal Chin »


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2016, 10:01:01 AM »

That guy get's there early to play "king of the hill". Nothing but getting out of hearing distance of his inner child works. I had a clown with all the expensive gear and C-pin rod come down the bank across from me and act like he owned the Capilano we were fishing. I hooked a Steelhead on my coffee grinder set up while sitting down. They guy frothed up like a rabid dog about my technique etc. swearing away the whole time. Go figure.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2016, 10:14:55 AM »

thanks for your all of your replies,

Lesson learned is to do as Animal Chin suggested, ask after interpreting their personality. If there's a serious issue, I'll move on... Still.. tough to not just flip a guy the bird after being talked to like that, no point escalating his emotions.


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2016, 10:26:37 AM »

thanks for your all of your replies,

.. tough to not just flip a guy the bird after being talked to like that, no point escalating his emotions.


If he was an old timer telling me off, then I just take it as a part of the pageantry of angling...haha.

Easier said than done sometimes. Generally though whenever I've had mini-confrontations, once we've been fishing together for a bit it becomes pretty friendly when that initial confrontational urge dissipates. But sometimes you just have to sigh, and move on when you're pretty sure the new guy who just came in killed the bite. 

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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2016, 11:18:05 AM »

Generally speaking, on rivers with light pressure, if there's a couple guys fishing a run then I wouldn't even bother fishing that run. The Sauamish is a prime example. You did nothing wrong really but always ask the guy above you first if you are worried about etiquette.
People who go to rivers like the Squamish, go there to be in less pressured water. If they wanted to catch their limit they would go to gong show and fish there. Next time personally I would just find other water as there is plenty of it on the Squamish. Again this is personal choice but during Steelhead season there I feel like I'm crowding a guy if I'm even within eye sight of someone else on the same bank as me. Just my personal thoughts.


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2016, 11:27:43 AM »

Generally speaking, on rivers with light pressure, if there's a couple guys fishing a run then I wouldn't even bother fishing that run. The Sauamish is a prime example. You did nothing wrong really but always ask the guy above you first if you are worried about etiquette.
People who go to rivers like the Squamish, go there to be in less pressured water. If they wanted to catch their limit they would go to gong show and fish there. Next time personally I would just find other water as there is plenty of it on the Squamish. Again this is personal choice but during Steelhead season there I feel like I'm crowding a guy if I'm even within eye sight of someone else on the same bank as me. Just my personal thoughts.

Couldn't have been said any better.  With the exception of one or two popular spots..


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2016, 12:01:52 PM »

Generally speaking, on rivers with light pressure, if there's a couple guys fishing a run then I wouldn't even bother fishing that run. The Sauamish is a prime example. You did nothing wrong really but always ask the guy above you first if you are worried about etiquette.
People who go to rivers like the Squamish, go there to be in less pressured water. If they wanted to catch their limit they would go to gong show and fish there. Next time personally I would just find other water as there is plenty of it on the Squamish. Again this is personal choice but during Steelhead season there I feel like I'm crowding a guy if I'm even within eye sight of someone else on the same bank as me. Just my personal thoughts.

I'd bet money this was not on the Squamish - my guess is the Cheakamus.
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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2016, 12:33:00 PM »

IMO, bad etiquettes, are cursing at other people whether you think they do something wrong or not. There's no need for that kind of attitude on the river. Everyone's out to enjoy the day, have fun and learn.


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2016, 01:17:45 PM »

There's no need for that kind of attitude on the river. Everyone's out to enjoy the day, have fun and learn.
I wish I could live in the utopia and pass it on to my kids and grand kids!  :D ;)

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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2016, 01:59:09 PM »

I think the guy in question is just being a total jerk.


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2016, 02:45:42 PM »

I think 5m is a little tight up on someone to be fishing...that's like 15feet. I have an 11ft rod, combine that with a 3-5 foot float and a leader....doesn't leave much room for lines to be swinging.

Honestly...if you think It looks too close to fish beside someone then it probably is. A guy yelling from across the river is just being a dink. If anyone wants to speak up on it then the guys on either side of you are the only people should be. 


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2016, 02:48:35 PM »

More importantly, how was the fishing? /s/


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Re: Fishing downstream of another angler
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2016, 03:05:57 PM »

Yes I agree 5m is close shinny (perhaps it was 8m as there was 0 risk of us tangling  ;D). In hindsight, even though he had no issue with it, I probably should have just bit the bullet and driven somewhere else. That morning bite just gets you so eager!

@ htdub, I saw no coho hooked, but had a lot of success targeting chum on a piece of purple/pink wool under a float. I had dreams about bobber down last night :) Guys on spoons and spinners weren't having any luck except for foul hooking a handful of chum, which led to either getting spooled or a 10 minute fight.

I appreciate everyone's honest opinion!