I think Nina has concluded that she does not ever want to be a grade school teacher after today.

We did the impossible, probably more stupid than brave, by taking five kids out fishing at once.
We had two kids (brother and sister) who are visiting from Japan, one kid from San Fran CA, and two kids from Richmond. All were VERY energetic and eager to catch a fish.
bit windy today... but still ok to coarse fish.
We started out with the salmon id activity.

Followed by some talk on Fraser River estuary.
Once the instructional stuff was done, we were ready to fish.

Too many shiner perch.

They were too fast for the kids, nibbling off the bait before the chub could get to it. We did manage to catch a few of those little critters though.

Lunch time!

It can't get anymore relaxing than lying on a pier under the warm sun and enjoying a homemade sandwich.

As usual, the kids love to look at their catches in the fish tank. It's the best way to learn the behaviour of a fish.

Some knot tying stuff to kill the time when the fish were not biting.

Only accomplished three of the four species today - Peamouth chub, shiner perch and sculpin. Still a great day indeed.
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