Well really, the Mam isn't that much real estate to shut down. Curious to know why they did though.
Yeah - it is only a couple hundred meters - but it sure holds a lot of anglers this time of year. Must be very few Pinks showing up in the spawning grounds.
The Mamquam (below the train bridge) is still open for Hatchery Coho though
And - depending on how the regs are interpreted - one could also fish ABOVE the train bridge for Pinks (if they were not so hell-bent on bringing home a fish). One version of the regs insinuates you can catch and release what you like up there (oh and keep a hatchery Coho - AKA Mamquam unicorn)
Here is the contradicting info I'm referring to:
Region 2 Salmon Regs:
Mamquam River Coho Apr 01 to Mar 31 1 hatchery marked fish per day.
All Apr 01 to Mar 31 Bait ban.
downstream of the CN rail bridge
Pink Aug. 1 2017 until further notice No fishing for pink salmon (per FN0749)
Then when you click the link to the fisheries notice (
http://www-ops2.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fns-sap/index-eng.cfm?pg=view_notice&DOC_ID=199099&ID=all) - it states:
Effective dates:
Effective 00:01 hours August 1, 2017 until further notice, there is
no fishing
for pink salmon in the following waters:Mamquam and Cheakamus Rivers, and Squamish River above the powerline at 9 mile.
Squamish River below the powerline at 9 mile remains open to the retention of
pink salmon with a daily limit of one (1) per day until further notice.
Soooo... NO fishing in the Mamquam for Pinks, or no fishing downstream of the CN Rail bridge for Pinks?
And sorry, I'm Canadian (very familiar with the Squamish Valley) but don't speak in miles - where is this "Powerline at 9 mile"? Is that the one near Judd Road? Just past the Cheakamus confluence? Powerhouse Channel past the Ashlu? 9 miles from what?
If you want to constrain people to certain areas - you need to get some better descriptions going (not that anyone fishes anywhere but "the spot" anyway