As I understand it, a particular waterbody has a specific carrying capacity, in regards to how many fish it can "carry". Most of this is based on feed, and other variables to a lesser extent. In a waterbody like the Fraser, it is already at capacity with its varying species that have evolved to co-exist with each other. As such, the introduction of Bass wont suddenly create a massive population of Bass on top of the fish populations that already exist there. Instead, they will compete with, and possibly displace some fish that fill a similar niche in the ecosystem ( My guess here would be primarily pike minnows). I think the overall number of juvenille salmonids getting slurped up by predator fish will remain much the same, but less wil be going into the mouths of pike minnow and other coarse fish, and more going into the mouths of bass. Now this is assuming that the bass will compete well against the long established pike minnows etc. but I have my doubts. In certain locations yes, but not the mainstream Fraser or Chilli/Ved.