Well, it appears the issue has some how magically sorted it's self out. So bizarre. Took the boat out yesterday determined to sort this out once and for all! Brought with me an extra 12V battery to run the FF on. Also brought my newly purchased power cord as the original is set up to connect into my wiring harness and will not work with the male end terminals on the separate battery. Also brought my camera and mini tripod that you can strap to something; I affixed it to one of the bars on my bimini top and set the camera up to roll tape on my FF screen. I thought...the shop looks at me like I'm on crack when I tell them how it is glitching out...so I'm going to get some video footage dammit!
With the boat in the water I hit record and got up on plane. Expecting it to cut out and stay frozen on "1ft" it would not! It worked 100% fine. It's like it knew it was being video recorded so decide to be on its best behavior
I got off/on plane at least a dozen times, did some sharp turns, etc and could not reproduce the results I have been having for months.
I decided, well, I brought this damn battery with me and bought this new damn power cord, so I'm going to at least try it out. Running off the isolated battery at first it glitched out like it was doing before. Suddenly lost bottom going about 5mph and stayed frozen on "1ft." But then it got bottom back and never glitched out again. I ripped around for about 30 min on this battery and it performed flawlessly aside from the glitch out at the beginning.
I decided why run 2 batteries if I don't need to, so I re-connected the power cord going to the main battery and ran it again like this. I could not get it to glitch out despite cranking some high speed turns, going on/off plane, zooming over shallow water, etc.
I'm happy as now it's working fine, but baffled as I did nothing to the set up powered off the main battery, and now it's magically working without issue. Oh well all is well that ends well. Just hope the damn thing stays like this and does not crap out on me when I need it most.
Thanks again to all that commented on this and tried to help me troubleshoot this POS.