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Author Topic: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River  (Read 66385 times)


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #45 on: August 29, 2017, 11:58:41 PM »

So if Fishing with Rod chooses to support the Fraser River Sportfishing Alliance, most of you will stop coming on here again right? ;)

Lets clarify what the FRSA hopes to achieve on Saturday by laying out some facts.

Currently, bar fishing is not illegal on the Fraser River, which is still open for steelhead, trout and char fishing (and retention of hatchery-marked fish).

Saturday's event is not a protest fishery, participants will not be taking part in illegal activities, but rather they will be bar fishing only, and releasing all salmon that are caught.

Whether you agree with it or not, some of you are out of line for questioning the character of Fred and other directors of the FRSA. These are the individuals who are actually working hard behind the scene daily to find solutions so we can regain some of the recreational fishing opportunities that have been lost in the Fraser Valley in the past ten years. Just about all of you are unaware of the challenges and frustrations which my colleagues and I have experienced in the past few years. All of us who are involved have been urging Fisheries and Oceans Canada to make bar fishing a mandatory practice in the summer when sockeye salmon is closed so we can actually have a fishery. Motions were passed at the local SFAC to get things moving, but it has been declined everytime once it reached the final stage. This past year we have been asking for Fisheries and Oceans Canada to conduct studies on bar fishing's impact on sockeye salmon, that was declined. I have stressed repeatedly that the large % of unselective fishing practice in the Tidal Fraser River from their aerial survey is wrong because there's no way anyone is unselectively fishing and hooking sockeye down there unless you are intentionally snagging them. Those concerns were never addressed, so we continue to have a Tidal Fraser closure while sockeye by-catch is not a concern. Two years ago I wanted to make sure the regulations were correct as it should have been "no retention for pink salmon" instead of "no fishing" so catch and release opportunities were still available. The response the group received was "pink and chum are not open to retention at this time so why would fishers be targeting them?" Personally I have given up attending the SFAC process in the past two years because I don't see any progress and I feel that my limited time can be better used somewhere else.

Currently there is very little interest in the department to go out of their way to find opportunities for openings, rather we have seen blanket closures as the easier route to manage a user group. The FRSA hopes to change that, by having a united voice in this community so people can recreational fish again when conservation requirements are met.

And of course majority of the directors who lead this have a financial stake in this recreational fishing industry! Why is that a surprise? Who's going to do this for free? Those who volunteered to do this quickly realized the amount of work involved at meetings and emails is simply not worth it. Closures like this and their domino effects are devastating to businesses. I've financially struggled this year because my clients like Fred have taken a big hit, so we have to adapt and find ways to change things.

If you wish to participate on Saturday. Fred has informed me that there'll be boats shuttling anglers to the bars.


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #46 on: August 30, 2017, 06:04:16 AM »

Wow, there are some terribly uninformed people posting on this site. To bash the very people who have worked for decades to keep us fishing is gross. Standing on a internet soap box hiding behind a screen is pathetic.

At the very least, know the history of the Fraser River fishery before making bold claims about guys that have been there fighting for you and your friends and families right to a fair access to fish for Salmon on the Fraser River.
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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #47 on: August 30, 2017, 06:48:45 AM »

Lets clarify what the FRSA hopes to achieve on Saturday by laying out some facts.

Currently, bar fishing is not illegal on the Fraser River, which is still open for steelhead, trout and char fishing (and retention of hatchery-marked fish).

Saturday's event is not a protest fishery, participants will not be taking part in illegal activities, but rather they will be bar fishing only, and releasing all salmon that are caught.

I think we all know that if you are targeting a fish that is closed to fishing, you are breaking the law, the intent here is not to catch steelhead, char or whatever else may be open, it's to show certain salmon species can be caught without intercepting Sockeye. Any way you slice this Rod it is a protest fishery. I understand the good work the various groups do on our behalf, I just choose not to agree with this particular event.


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #48 on: August 30, 2017, 07:00:48 AM »

I don't believe it is anywhere near correct to call this action poaching.

I do think it is correct to call it a protest as hat is what it is; a public demonstration of disagreement with Government policy. Fact is demonstration and protest are often used interchangeably.

It is their right to express their opinion on the subject in this manner. I doubt any charges levied would stick or result in conviction.

I'd also ask if despite the current salmon closure it is legal to bar fish, what are these guys complaining about? Any chinook caught while angling for the absent and at greater conservation risk, interior steelhead, can be safely released.

Fact is this is mostly about their desire to get the ability to kill fish and at least for the guide operations, increase their business.
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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #49 on: August 30, 2017, 07:05:48 AM »

Did you even read the link????

Nothing illegal happening this Saturday. Just anglers out fishing. To suggest that this is targeting a certain species would be admitting that bar fishing is a very selective form of fishing and that is the very point trying to be made.

A spin n glo will catch Steelhead, trout, bull trout, Pink salmon, Chinook Salmon, Chinook jacks, coho Salmon and even a Sturgeon on occassion, but virtually never a Sockeye Salmon. Chinook stocks are moving through the Fraser in good numbers now with a strong effort all around the Fraser mouth and Vancouver area. Simply no reasonable reason why we couldnt have a area specific section of the Fraser opened to bar fishing.

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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #50 on: August 30, 2017, 07:17:14 AM »

it's so weird to have the Fraser closed for Chinook while the saltwater guys have been hammering the crap out of them at the moth for the last few weeks!
Same fish!!!


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #51 on: August 30, 2017, 07:28:24 AM »

I didn't read the link.

I agree there could and should be opportunities for us all to fish, I just don't agree with the event set for Sat. My choice, my view, we all have them.



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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #52 on: August 30, 2017, 07:48:14 AM »

Valid link does not mean a fishing forum where people can anonymously post 3rd hearsay. You made a statement "The FN have stated that if they see rec fishers out there (it doesn't matter what type of fishing, bar fishing, flossing, dip netting, grabbing fish with their dang hands) they will consider themselves open for netting.  The reason the river isn't open to rec fishing is because DFO is being held hostage.

So where is a valid link where the above statements can be verified? Was this on the 6 pm news, read on a news or FN or DFO website or press release?

Can post anonymously and do are completely different.  Maybe it was last year this happened but the threat was real and verified by numerous people on this site that are not anonymous.  If such an ultimatum was made last year, you don't think that would affect decisions this year?


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2017, 07:59:52 AM »

Rod, while I appreciate and respect all that you do for the fishing community in BC and the Fraser Valley, I respectfully disagree with you.

The FRSFA has attempted to be clever in calling this a "demonstration"  fishery, but please let's call a spade a spade: It's a protest against regulations that the DFO has put in place that financially effects recreational anglers and guides. To the public, and myself, this protest fishery comes across as extremely childish and immature.

While I may not agree with some of the DFO regulations, there are certainly more refined and less adolescent ways of solving a problem than doing what you've been told not to do. Engage in dialogue, call your MP, call the DFO, write letters, be annoying as hell. And do it in great numbers. This is how you get change, not by throwing a tantrum.

There are many, many anglers out there who loosely follow the regulations, and are more or less uninformed. You know the type: unsure about the regs, only fishes in October, isn't sure if barbs are legal, can't distinguish salmon types, etc. There is nothing wrong with an occasional angler, however they can be naive. When an "occasional angler" hears about this protest fishery, what sort of message does that send? How is the average Joe-blow supposed to distinguish "good" and "bad" fishing regulations if some of them are openly disobeyed, and even supported by local guides and tackle shops? Do you suppose this kind of behaviour will lead to MORE regulation compliance, or LESS? My guess is the latter.

Those in positions of influence in the recreational fishing industry who support this protest are sending the wrong message to anglers, and it's a real shame this is happening.



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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #54 on: August 30, 2017, 08:20:10 AM »

Oh Rod how your tune has changed from a few weeks ago

Still discussing about leader length lol... If only you understand why the river really is closed.

There are lots of excellent fisheries around this province beside the Fraser to enjoy in the summer. My suggestion to all is to take advantage of those.

Someone calls out Fred, one of your sponsors of this site and all a sudden your pro fishing the Fraser while its close to salmon. I suppose you're right why don't we all go fish somewhere else then the lower mainland and support other fishing shops. 

Currently, bar fishing is not illegal on the Fraser River, which is still open for steelhead, trout and char fishing (and retention of hatchery-marked fish).

Also it's still open to bottom bounce too, DFO need the MP's in Ottawa to amend the BC fishing ACT. As it was clearly stated in an earlier letter

"We appreciate that some anglers choose to fish selectively; however, where regulations are not in place, DFO Conservation and Protection (C&P) staff are unable to take enforcement action, and C&P must manage staff resources to ensure monitoring and enforcement of existing regulations is prioritized."

They have opened the river in the past and what happens? Fed sell bottom bouncing equipment, along with all the other shops as well. Not informing there customers about selective methods even after they all stood up front in the SFAB and told DFO that they could promote selective fishing methods.  In fact earlier this season I was in a Sports Fishing Shop, someone came in bought hooks, wool and bouncing betties. The workers laughed after the customer left and were like " hahaha guess we know what he's doing with that"

DFO knows that bar fishing is a selective method, So who are they demonstrating it too? what the SFAB has always failed to do is insure people actually bar fish, or fish selectively.

Then what do they do once out on the river? they start fishing at midnight (fishing after dusk gets closed), Getting people to shuttle their limits home, leave garbage everywhere (laid law bar gets closed),  Fighting with FN (citizen patrols, Chucking weights at them, picking FN nets ect..)

That being said I am pro the river being open right now for Chinook and Pink retention. No reason for it not to be while the salt is open.  Also I am Pro this protest because people that fish the Fraser are getting the short end right now.


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #55 on: August 30, 2017, 08:24:22 AM »

it's so weird to have the Fraser closed for Chinook while the saltwater guys have been hammering the crap out of them at the moth for the last few weeks!
Same fish!!!

actually the Albion test fishery has just come up to the historical average in the last few days: it's a crock to claim that chinook numbers have been high enough to support a kill fishery for the last number of weeks.
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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #56 on: August 30, 2017, 08:55:26 AM »

Oh Rod how your tune has changed from a few weeks ago

The tune hasn't changed one bit. My point is still the same, expect to see less and less recreational fishing opportunities in the Lower Mainland in the years to come so people need to start exploring other opportunities in this province. We are losing opportunities due to stock decline, but for the most part the management approach has changed and recreational fishing sector is not in the managers' best interest. My time these days is limited so I no longer spend hours defending myself on platforms mainly participated by anonymous participants, so I'll leave it at that and you can do more research on what exactly has been done behind the scene that lead us to this.

Thanks cdjk123 and minnie-me, appreciate the different point of views. Whether you agree with those who are running the FRSA or not, I do encourage everyone to get involved by supporting the group, either become a member or bring your ideas to the group if you don't agree with them. Here is an opportunity for anyone who recreational fishes in the Fraser Valley to have a collective voice, take advantage of it.


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #57 on: August 30, 2017, 08:59:02 AM »

Rod, while I appreciate and respect all that you do for the fishing community in BC and the Fraser Valley, I respectfully disagree with you.

The FRSFA has attempted to be clever in calling this a "demonstration"  fishery, but please let's call a spade a spade: It's a protest against regulations that the DFO has put in place that financially effects recreational anglers and guides. To the public, and myself, this protest fishery comes across as extremely childish and immature.

While I may not agree with some of the DFO regulations, there are certainly more refined and less adolescent ways of solving a problem than doing what you've been told not to do. Engage in dialogue, call your MP, call the DFO, write letters, be annoying as hell. And do it in great numbers. This is how you get change, not by throwing a tantrum.

There are many, many anglers out there who loosely follow the regulations, and are more or less uninformed. You know the type: unsure about the regs, only fishes in October, isn't sure if barbs are legal, can't distinguish salmon types, etc. There is nothing wrong with an occasional angler, however they can be naive. When an "occasional angler" hears about this protest fishery, what sort of message does that send? How is the average Joe-blow supposed to distinguish "good" and "bad" fishing regulations if some of them are openly disobeyed, and even supported by local guides and tackle shops? Do you suppose this kind of behaviour will lead to MORE regulation compliance, or LESS? My guess is the latter.

Those in positions of influence in the recreational fishing industry who support this protest are sending the wrong message to anglers, and it's a real shame this is happening.

--It is one day...even the average Joe-blow should be able to distinguish the difference


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #58 on: August 30, 2017, 09:25:29 AM »

Whether you agree with those who are running the FRSA or not, I do encourage everyone to get involved by supporting the group, either become a member or bring your ideas to the group if you don't agree with them. Here is an opportunity for anyone who recreational fishes in the Fraser Valley to have a collective voice, take advantage of it.

I sincerely doubt any member with opposing views to the FRSFA who joins that organisation will be met with reasonable and fair discourse. It's hardly a collective voice for all anglers when the FRSPA is so slanted and opinionated, especially in this particular issue. However, I'm sure they will be welcoming to those who agree with them
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 09:27:13 AM by cdjk123 »


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Re: Demonstration Fishery On The Fraser River
« Reply #59 on: August 30, 2017, 09:32:36 AM »

I sincerely doubt any member with opposing views to the FRSFA who joins that organisation will be met with reasonable and fair discourse. It's hardly a collective voice for all anglers when the FRSPA is so slanted and opinionated, especially in this particular issue. However, I'm sure they will be welcoming to those who agree with them

You never know until you try it. ;)