I hope some members on the forum will be able to attend The Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Societies river cleanup and celebration this coming Sunday. When Rodney, Terry, Lew, myself and a few others started the cleanup back in 2001 we always had a good turnout of this forums members. This has slipped a bit the last few years so this is a chance to give back to the river that many of us fish for a good part of the year. I was down to the Fraser Valley Salmon Society section this morning by the Keith Wilson Bridge and cleaned up one bag of garbage dropped by some careless people. The KWB area is being heavily worked by a lot of people hence the garbage along the parking areas and out on the bar.
Here is the info for the days events as the celebration is held on Chilliwack Lake Road at the Fish and Game Clubs grounds.
Details here.
Sunday, September 24th at the Chilliwack Fish and Game Club (48685 Chilliwack Lake Rd, Chilliwack). In celebration of BC Rivers Day this is our largest cleanup of the year!
Registration opens at 8:30 am, and BBQ starts at 12:30pm. Prize raffle begins at 1pm (ish) and you must be present to win!
We welcome exhibitors like the Waterwealth Project, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC, City of Chilliwack, Fraser Valley Regional District, Fraser Riverkeepers, Fraser Valley Salmon Society and more to help educate all of us about this amazing river valley we play and live in.
All registered participants can enjoy the BBQ lunch and additional refreshments from the great folks at Tim Hortons and the Chilliwack Water Store.
Don’t forget your water bottle or a travel mug so you can partake in the refreshments.
Once again we will provide the gloves, garbage and recycling bags and you provide the 'boots on the ground'.
For the first time, you can buy your own pickup-stick (to keep) in support of the Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Society.
This is a family friendly event and it goes rain or shine.
We are working very hard to encourage folks to bring their own water bottle or travel mug to our events so we are not using single use containers. We will NOT be providing cups for coffee or water.