Your worried about losing wild stock to be used for brood! Correct? So why not just shut it down completely to avoid losing wild fish that get beat on daily by the c/r. Let’s face it, steelhead are not the smartest fish in the world! If you have never caught the same fish within a very short time period during the same day, well I don’t know what to say!
Well I have read alot of posts about people complaining about the lack of fish this year and the dismal brood capture so far. I and some others have been just shaking their head!
Wild fish landed, check
Hatch fish killed, check
Numbers landed compared to previous years, pretty consistent, check
Number of river mechanics out, low, happy
Overall hooked and landed steelhead this winter, happy 😃
Is it really as bad as people say it is, No!
There is my conditions report for the year! Hope to see you on the flow but chances are I will say
It sucks and move on! After all I’m a Steelheader!