Immediate acts but no real mention of a plan of attack hhhmmmmmmm. How much of that funding will be spent directly in Ottawa....half or more maybe?
Seal cull, salmon spawning habitat protection and enhancement coast wide, limit commercial fishing to the salt but restrict within a reasonable distance from any tributary, eliminate all Commercial and FN gill net fishery and only allow FN to selective methods in rivers, increase hatchery budgets, give more funding to projects like Sandy Cove pen project, increase spawning habitat for herring and anchovies coast wide, fine and possibly take away licenses of sight seeing whale boats that break rules.
Washington State is adopting some of these now, acknowledging that at least in the short term it needs to increase hatchery production of Chinook so these 3 orca pods don't starve, and Oregon is taking serious steps toward culling seals and sea lions. I have always wondered how long it would take until BC starts fin clipping their hatchery Chinook - maybe this will be the final straw to make all sport fisheries mark-selective.
For those in the know - why does the Chilliwack hatchery produce non-native summer Chinook rather than trying to enhance the native spring Chinook stock?
As a river angler, I think the changes to protect Orcas will actually work out in our favor - decrease ocean harvest and increase production. Even if we have decreased catch quotas, I foresee more hookup opportunities.
Last night I was reminded of just how dramatic habitat restoration can be. I live near a creek that was just restored to a more natural state after running underground in a tunnel for more than 1/2 a mile for over 100 years. It has been two years since the project was completed, and now the stream-side vegetation is providing proper shade. I was amazed at the number of salmon smolts and 6 inch cutthroat I could spot from the foot-bridge in this tiny stream. It made me think of what a difference this can make on a larger scale.
Conservation and habitat restoration are good things. Make the Orca whales our allies. The goal here is more Chinook for everyone.