RalphH, it's more of a rant at as you said "the credibility of the DFO" I'm not even too sure what I was getting at......
I'm not advocating for a complete halt to resource development or a anti-business enviro government by any means, merely poking holes at what could be easily equated as a mismanagement of stocks up and down the coast that will one day cost us our great salmon and steelhead runs.
I guess my question is, with all the uncertainty and variability in returns based on the great unknown of survival rates in the Pacific, combined with the perpetually changing onshore habitat challenges.... why isn't there more done in the way of allowing more spawners on the beds? I just used the 1:0.66666 spawner to offspring ratio as an example with the big run on the Fraser. At which point is it determined that there will be ESSR (Excess salmon to spawning requirements) and there would be redd destruction by overspawning?