So I participated in my first Fraser River sockeye fishery one day last week , never bottom bounced before either , after I “caught” my two sockeye I stood on the bank and watched the other fishers, no one was playing the fish , just keep your drag locked down and get the fish to the beach , it was a rather unsatifying experience for me , I understand now why some do not participate in this fishery any more , I’m not sure if I will again either
This topic has been beaten to death for over 25 years now, but I'll give you the main points.
1. No TRUE fisherman considers bouncing for sockeye on the Fraser 'real fishing'. If they think otherwise....then they are suffering from delusions.
2. Many true fisherman still do it however (myself included), but for the purpose of harvesting delicious salmon....and no other reason. I do not find it relaxing unless for some reason I have the bar to myself which is like never....Fresh sockeye are 40 bucks a piece in the store and I will not pay that when I can get 2 fish in less than an hour 5 minutes from my house.
3. Bottom bouncing the Fraser results in about 99.9% of the Sockeye being flossed....meaning the fish is not an active participant in taking the offering. There is a rare fish or 2 that will chase the wool tie or corkie on the downswing later in the season when the water is cleaner, but the occurances are so rare, that it is irrelevant to bring it into the discussion.
4. The fact that the fish are snagged and not willing taking the bait is also irrelevant when taking into consideration that this is considered a harvest fishery and NOT a sport fishery. In one commercial opening this year (Area E), they gillnetted over 200,000 sockeye in 22 hours with who knows what for bycatch, while in that same period of time, sport fishers flossed less than a 1000 fish. In the grand scheme of things considering again that this is harvesting and not fishing....the methods of sportfisherman are irrelevant.
Finally in closing, if you are still trying to reconsile this type of fishery to TRUE sportsfishing....then you aren't in a place to understand how this works anyway.
So whether a person agrees with this or not....taking all things into consideration, with the millions of fish being seined and gillnetted, the rest of us who pay taxes deserve to enjoy a few thousand fish from this fishery....regardless whether they 'bite' or are 'flossed'.