Adding to '06 and '14.... Escapements to spawning ground:
- 2010: 13.1 million (47% of final run estimate)
- 2011: 2.6 million (51% of final run estimate)
- 2014: 5.9 million (29% of final run estimate)
Escapement past Mission:
- 2010: 14.3 million (51% of final run estimate) (note: report stated 16 million, but this was a mgmt decision to align with other HA counts further upstream)
- 2011: 3.9 million (76% of final run estimate)
- 2014: 10.1 million (50% of final run estimate)... looks like alot of fish lost upstream of Mission in '14 (water volume / temp.?)
- 2018 YTD: 3.8 million (48% of all accounted, as of Sept. 07/18) (quantity past Mission + total marine TAC, )
Total all TAC:
- 2010: 13.6 million (49% of final run estimate)
- 2011: 2.1 million (41% of final run estimate)
- 2014: 11.2 million (56% of final run estimate)
- 2018 YTD: 4.7 million (60% of all accounted, as of Sept. 07/18) (total all TAC + quantity past Mission (less 762k upstream catch))
From the latest PSC update, seems like the numbers are trending in the right direction (IMO)....
Escapement past Mission:
- 2018 YTD: 4.8 million (50% of all* accounted, as of Sept. 21/18) (*all=quantity past Mission + total marine TAC)
Total all TAC:
- 2018 YTD: 5.3 million (57% of all^ accounted, as of Sept. 07/18) (^all=total all TAC + quantity past Mission (less 867k upstream catch))