Citing that anomaly to further any argument is a bit of a stretch don’t you think?
What anomaly? The 2006 escapement was in line with the usual target. It was quite capable of producing a larger return. For whatever reason not the least of which was the 2009 collapse many factors lined up to produce a large return in 2010. There's little or no real evidence that the 2014 return was directly due to the 2010 return. Very large spawning escapements often produce less than stellar returns in the next cycle. The reverse is also true. Some of this was discussed above. In my view It's the major flaw in the argument marshal and others have been making. It is also the major flaw in the claim made above that some of these runs were over harvested, be it in 2010 or 2014. The exploitation rate (PSC term) in those years is fairly consistent with previous years in the cycle.
TAC is a planning number based on estimated return. Exploitation rate describes the actual harvest as a %of the total calculated return.
As far as 'rebuilding stocks'. The return evidence is the stocks are pretty healthy. The most troubled component, the Early Stuart was subject to very little harvest. Early summer and summer came back in healthy numbers and while the late component came back in lower #s than forecast it certainly isn't in trouble.
I'd also note that at least based on the last in season forecast (Sept 21st) this years run is above the median return for all the returns for this cycle since 1930 - and that excludes a number of poor cycles returns before that