Yes, but those could be a thousand mis-informed words.
When was it taken? What was open/closed at the time? Where was it taken: Fraser, Skeena, US/Skagit?
I'm by no means an apologist for illegal/unethical behaviour but there's not enough information to jump up on a soapbox.
September 27, 2013 near Agassiz,Fraser River target species in this fishery is Fraser River pink salmon; the incidental
catch of chum may be retained.
There will be non-retention of sockeye, coho,
Chinook, steelhead and sturgeon. This fishery has been designed to address
stocks of concern. All non-target species will be released back to the water
alive and unharmed.
A commercial economic opportunity fishery for Fraser pink salmon is authorized
for the following First Nation communities: Atchelitz, Chawathil, Cheam,
Katzie, Kwantlen, Kwawkwawapilt, Peters, Seabird Island, Shxw'ow'hamel,
Shxwha:y, Shawahlook, Skowkale, Skwah, Soowahlie, Squiala, Sumas, Tzeachten
Yakweakwioose and Yale First Nation using Beach Seine nets. "