I made no comparison - Donaldson and associates made the comparison. Goes back to something said in the first few pages.
No point with a reconciliation liberal agenda. Will just be preceved as rascist rednect that are crying.
We’re getting to the point where fishing in the mainstream of the Fraser may be done for all sectors.
Lots of runs do for Sara listings or reviews over the next 10 years. Onnce we are off the water the ENGO will stat going after these fisheries.
One thing the sportfishing community has yet to get into their skulls that is as far as most of the rest of the population, particularly those under 40, angling has about as much cultural relevance as skate boarding. Which is not to be taken lightly. Skate boarders demand parks for their use after all.
Unlike skate boarding, when it comes to salmon fishing in BC, we have long ago been put in our place - which is last in line.
Finally all over North America there has been a steady change in the sort of people who manage the resource for our use. No longer predominately sympathetic anglers, 'fisherman' no longer have an interest in biology, ecology or conservation as they feel catch and release has given them a moral pass, most are now environmentalists or sympathetic to that philosophy. They no longer cut anglers kindly slack.