It seems that the camera didn't show what the other fn who supposedly was running away from the FO was doing at the time the FO was putting his arm to the side. Perhaps that fn was reaching for the back pack or walking back towards the FO with hostile attitude. FO has to protect himself too. He is obligated to his family to stay safe on the job too besides the rules. If he suspects that the bag may contain fire arm, he has the right to be the first to fire if a gun is drawn from the bag and point at him, kind of like Client Eastwood movie, lol. Those hostile language used by fn towards the two FOs didn't help to defuse the tensed situation.
These FN folks think they can do anything above the laws of the land in Canada in their 'private' property. Really? Can the average joe Canadian do that in their own private home or land? Not really. The Fraser is public domain and the FO has every right to seize nets during period of closure. If some doubt FN could have done those dumping of fish by seine nets not following the DFO protocol of releashing other fish unharmed, just listen to these fn people saying that they can do whatever in their 'private' land and what laws. If that is their attitude, what hope is there they will comply with any fishery regulations?