Re: Chum salmon management. This is from an email response by Regional Director Andrew Thomson.
"2018 Fraser chum management – Decision rules for Fraser chum are outlined in the IFMP on pages 244 to 249. In the IFMP, it specifically outlines “At run sizes below 800,000, the recreational fishery on the main stem Fraser will be closed and openings on tributaries would be limited to those where a surplus is likely to occur. Surpluses may be identified on hatchery enhanced systems”. On October 17, 2018 and October 22, 2018 the Department sent out fishery notices identifying the in season Fraser River terminal chum run size at 793,000 and 769,000 respectively. The subsequent notices on chum recreational action were a result of the run sizing estimates being lower than 800,000. With respect to terminal fishing opportunities, this is an issue we would like to explore further with the local Sport Fishing Advisory Committee over the winter. There are currently no biologically based benchmarks for the terminal rivers/streams that have chum spawning, which currently makes it a challenge to identify where a surplus may be. Stock assessment and hatchery return information was used to inform the decision on where to allow terminal fishing in 2018."
IMO the last two sentences contradict each other.