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Author Topic: Annoucement of Protest Outside Fisheries Minister's office May 1 from 12 to 1 PM  (Read 36161 times)


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The recovery of CWTS indicated about 1/3 upper Fraser spring chinook were returning on the inside passage in this 1999 report.  Other stocks like Birkenhead even had the majority coming through the inside passage.  WMY do you have research that contradicts this report?


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The recovery of CWTS indicated about 1/3 upper Fraser spring chinook were returning on the inside passage in this 1999 report.  Other stocks like Birkenhead even had the majority coming through the inside passage.  WMY do you have research that contradicts this report?


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Johnston strait sport and and Georgia strait sport account for .3% and .44%. Less then 1 % for Spring 4-2, As you can see Terminal FN makes up the most.  DFO reasoning was in order to shut down the in river nets that all ocean fisheries that intercept them must also be shut down.

There is also science that shows there is areas and times within the JS and SOG that you could get sport intercept down to Zero, or you could open it up for hatchery retention.  Right now its closed and 50% of the fish out there in the SOG right now are clipped fish.


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Johnston strait sport and and Georgia strait sport account for .3% and .44%. Less then 1 % for Spring 4-2, As you can see Terminal FN makes up the most.  DFO reasoning was in order to shut down the in river nets that all ocean fisheries that intercept them must also be shut down.

There is also science that shows there is areas and times within the JS and SOG that you could get sport intercept down to Zero, or you could open it up for hatchery retention.  Right now its closed and 50% of the fish out there in the SOG right now are clipped fish.
But on the same chart Summer 4(1) sees almost 5% interception in JS and SOG, more than the FN terminal fishery and more than the JDF interception.  It would be nice to see more complete data for all the relevant runs.


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But on the same chart Summer 4(1) sees almost 5% interception in JS and SOG, more than the FN terminal fishery and more than the JDF interception.  It would be nice to see more complete data for all the relevant runs.

4-1 are open for harvest south Thompson reds, they show up in august locally, No measures are in place to protect this fraser stock.  This stock went from 2k returning in the 1980's to over 150k a few years ago. This stock has seen good recovery, was nearly whipped out in the 1980's in sockeye fisheries.

This stock will see added pressure this year as more fishermen focus their efforts on it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 09:49:51 AM by wildmanyeah »


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per your link:

Since 1995, escapements of the Thompson  aggregate  appear  to  have  increased more than did upper and mid-Fraser populations, likely  due  to  coho  conservation  measures  and declines in late sockeye fisheries.
" one predicted Mr. Trump would behave quite so insanely as he has in fact behaved – as always, Mr. Trump exceeds all expectations of how much he would exceed expectations of how much worse he would perform than expected. "
Andrew Coyne, Globe and Mail Feb 13, 2025


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From your quote

Since 1995, escapements of the Thompson  aggregate  appear  to  have  increased more than did upper and mid-Fraser populations, likely  due  to  coho  conservation  measures  and declines in late sockeye fisheries.

Ralph are you this adversarial and pompous in person?  its almost impossible to have a conversation with you
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 11:19:02 AM by wildmanyeah »


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no, neither am I as pompous and adversarial on line as you sometimes can be. ;D

That I point out you are providing only half the info is neither pompous or adversarial.  8)

It's providing balance. Please note I included both 'likely' causes of the increase not just one. Neither did I use inflammatory or hyperbolic language like 'whipped out' [sic]. The Thomspon late summer stock are not considered threatened though their numbers have declined. 
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 08:03:01 PM by RalphH »
" one predicted Mr. Trump would behave quite so insanely as he has in fact behaved – as always, Mr. Trump exceeds all expectations of how much he would exceed expectations of how much worse he would perform than expected. "
Andrew Coyne, Globe and Mail Feb 13, 2025


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Good job guys! Some very well respected sportfishing persons gave speeches. Was a nice turnout at the event.


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Can’t wait to vote the @#$& out this October.


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how quick we forget what the last conservative government did to the fisheries act to try and speed up the process for pipeline construction. if you think conservatives are actually going to solve any salmon related issues you really have no clue.


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how quick we forget what the last conservative government did to the fisheries act to try and speed up the process for pipeline construction. if you think conservatives are actually going to solve any salmon related issues you really have no clue.

Nobody in Ottawa is perfect. People forget that there was cuts to the Rec Chinook fishery even under the conservatives. Not in the salt but in the Fraser system that's for sure.i am pro pipeline if it means getting Canada off forgien oil back east first. THEN build a pipeline and sell the oil to Asian markets. My 2 cents