--Any court decision in one area will likely affect us all, we all need to keep informed if we wish to fish in the future. I like the concept of smaller scale wider participation of quota in some areas, but what most often happens (in the past) once the quota is allocated participants try every excuse in the book to take the quota by other means than intended. That is after a few years they have the bright idea that maybe we should net the quota in a couple of days and distribute it, rather than go to all the work of individuals in small boats working for several days. I recall the inefficient days of small scale clinker-built line trollers with limited daily and seasonal quota. Many people supplemented their income and put food on their own tables or those of their neighbors in the local area in a legal fishery. As it is local...the quota was small, and it took some work to actually catch the fish.
--They even got the NGO enviro guys slagging the local fishery, claiming the high use of fuel per lb of salmon was an environmental concern. Many other great excuses to get rid of the fishery...like someone might keep 7 fish instead of 6 and there wasn't enough enforcement available. etc.
--In hindsight, I think the main reason was to get less "voices" from knowledgeable fisher people.
--I don't have an issue with quota...allocated to other commercial fisheries or methods, but I believe we would be better served by more, rather than less participation by area residents.
--Just to add, I wish we could find a term or quota category other than Recreational fishery. It has become a derogatory term for those less deserving. Yes, I enjoy fishing but I also like to provide, as much as is realistic some portion of my own food from local area sources. I'm not Catholic, so I don't need 52 fish...but a few would be nice.