I dont understand how hard it is to impose gear restrictions on the Fraser. It seems ridiculous why we cant do this.
Because in order to put in the gear restrictions necessary they need to amend the BC sports fishing act. This take an act of parliament to be done.
However the current closures have ZERO to do with the gear we use and even if we went 100% selective gear fishing it still would be closed and I quote :
"Regarding in-river chinook Rec. chinook fisheries, I can tell you that this isn’t something the Dept. will support, given the 2019 salmon season overall and where we are at in meeting First Nation FSC priorities on a broad scale. For example, there are First Nation communities in parts of the watershed that have not caught a salmon yet this year. I don’t think there’s much utility at this point in discussing gear-specifics as the door for Fraser R. main stem Rec. chinook fisheries remains firmly closed."