...or he just "blew" on the wrong thing?
He must be well in his 80s ...how much air does he have left?
These guys ...many like him set themselves up to be criticized.
I sure will not justify their actions nor will most believers.
The gospel is so simple and when big institutions get ahold of it ...it then becomes complex.
They add into the recipe ideas that cloud it all up.
It's simple. Jesus or satan heaven or hell forgiveness /pray from heart .
( get in the lifeboat ) that's it.
Oh no the church goes and screws it all up...
Truth is God must increase in our life and we decrease..... But these churches or pastors take over and it becomes THEY increase ....their church their name their denomination and God decreases...
They add in ingredients into the recipe that do not belong...like where is that found in the scripture?
Man made rules...doctrines...
Like Rodney's recipe in his recent post...raw spicy salmon...if these preachers got ahold of it....they would say : add in a cup of horse radish
On the Covid 19 ...went to a food store and a line up outside. Would allow only x number of people in the store.
I like that. Lots of room to keep distance...
But there was arrows that zig zagged which direction ya pushed your shopping cart...like a one way street.
Was not in there a long time about 4 people walked opposite the way the arrows pointed !!!!!!!!!!
Defeats the purpose. Boooooooo! Yes then they came within 3 ft of you as they crossed by.
One big guy ( biker rough type. )though later ...in another store came around the corner and I was there and he hopped way over to keep a 6 ft distance... ( just like I had bad breath )
Now if this big rough biker can twinkle toes jump 6 ft to maintain distance...surely others can do the same.